- McLibel -
A bit of good cheer.
Posted by: Timothy ( Perth, Australia ) on February 24, 19100 at 16:35:36:

Many years ago when I was young, I heard the phrase "Every McDondalds restaurant is a success story". I was overjoyed later in life when I travelled overseas and visited a small city in northern Sweden called Lulea. There, a hamburger shop had been bought out by McDonalds, and was soon to open. There was plently of fanfare surrounding the opening, with people flocking to the restaurant. I left Lulea and continued travelling. I did, however, keep in contact with people who resided there, and they like me, disliked McDonalds food, and all that the company stood for. Approximately 18months after opening McDonalds restaurant in Lulea closed becasue they too, were unable to stomach the food with the restaurant going bankrupt. Mcdonalds must have been slightly hurt over that. That cheered my sole right up. The McLibel case, however, was nothing short of sensational. The publication of sensitive material, and the continued persistence of Helen and David to expose the manipulative strategies employed by McDonalds, shows tremendous courage on their behalf. The secret tape recording was nothing short of outragously brilliant!!! I have scanned many of the messages which have been left by people from all over the world. Many of the messages are repeatitive, and yet they hold the same important theme of preservation of our wilderness, respect of our fellow human beings, and kindness to animals. Please pass on my support, and a huge pat on the back to all those associated with McSpotlight who are supporting David and Helen. McDonalds really didn't like the courts findings. -- McSpotlight: Whoops; we only noticed you'd got the names slightly wrong after we'd let it through ;)

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