- McLibel -
To people who believe animals have no soul
Posted by: Jennifer R. ( U.S.A ) on October 08, 1998 at 03:17:26:

To People who believe animals have no soul: I don't believe we should ignore the problems of the children in this world or anyone else for that matter, but that does not mean we have to ignore the cruelty that is being placed upon the animals of this world. I don't argue the fact that God created animals for us to survive, yet did he expect us to inflict severe torture on these animals? Did he expect our materialist human race to test our consumer products (i.e. makeup, hairspray, the list goes on....and on...) on these poor innocent animals? Just because God created animals for us to survive does not mean we need to torture them. I don't think we need to ignore the other problems in this world, if we focus on only one of them we would be in serious trouble, but I think animal cruelty should definitly be put near the top of the problems in this world......

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