- McLibel -
Here's a close one
Posted by: Hugh Morris ( Howard Stern Institute, USA ) on June 01, 1999 at 10:16:26:
In Reply to: Neither McDs or Coke came close posted by Ludwig von Mises on May 06, 1999 at 10:28:26:

: Neither McDs or Coke came close as far as revenues are concerned, with Coke and Coca Cola enterprises combined taking in about $30,000,000,000 : and McDonalds brought home $11,409,000,000.: Admitatly, all of these listed are Dow components. BTW, what's wrong with combining to make profits? I once read that if the worldwide narcotics trade were legalized, then formed a drug monopoly, it would be second in the world, only bested by General Motors. It sounds like some companies are in the wrong business. Hugh Morris

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