- speaking up - Louise, disorganised open minded vegetarian solo performance, Australia, February 24 19100
- Ehhhh? Well.....? - Graypatch Sarinax, America (Dark Empire... YES!), February 16 19100
- Bigsmack - Chris, x, USA, February 09 19100
- Chicken's Lament - Sue Perna, Animal Rights Activists of America, America, January 12 19100
- globalisation - symon , Australia , January 10 19100
- each is his teeth gravestones - BMC, USA, October 25 1999
- if the christians have got it right... - attentat, People Who Hate People, amerikkka, October 21 1999
- A wordflow poem I have written - Stuart C, An concerned father & Individual, Australia, September 30 1999
- Spare a little time? - Johan Husty, Thought Thro' Action , UK, September 27 1999
- I'm interested. - Andrew Whyte, Small Time Publishing Ltd., UK, October 07 1999
- Thanks McLibel - Johan husty, Thought thro Action Uk, October 19 1999
- answer to Cretinon (france) about Mc Donald - Cretinon, USA, September 27 1999
- Non-profit magazine - Jon , Suburbia Magazine, USA, August 21 1999
- Lyrics - Agathoclezzz, Belgium, August 17 1999
- Lyrics - Agathoclezzz, Belgium, August 17 1999
- Lyrics - Agathoclezzz, Belgium, August 17 1999
- and the rest is up to all.. - elaphom, ----, Australia, July 26 1999
- Prose on Multinationals - Rachel, Australia, June 28 1999
- Spikes Address - dingo, Australia, June 01 1999
- Reality? - Bloodsucking Spidermonkies on Acid, May 22 1999
- Justice? - Bloodsucking Spidermonkies on Acid, May 22 1999
- spike milligan 's school days. - ESTELLE CONDLIFF, BBC RADIO MERSEYSIDE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, May 21 1999
- are there any guidelines limiting the subjects to be debated? - jon, amanuenses, Australia, May 15 1999
- Bread & Roses - Red Deaathy, Socialist Party, Uk, May 14 1999
- Cannabis is Food, Fuel, Fiber, FARMaceuticals - DdC, Cannabis Caregivers, USA, April 29 1999
- to tommy the teriost - shaun, lily, australia, April 27 1999
- creativity attempt - Edward, Humanity, Australia, April 21 1999
- Hello otto, Shaun and everyone - TIME POEM - Edward, Australia, April 27 1999
- they can't keep humanity under their will forever. Can they? - otto, retired, usa, April 26 1999
- 29, still eternity to go! - Shaun, lily, australia, April 26 1999
- creativity - otto, retired, usa, April 14 1999
- need to contact spike milligan - tim fretwell, uk, April 05 1999
- Clam down before starting discussion - Karen, Chinese, China, March 23 1999
- CASHLESS SOCIETY - shaun, lily, australia, February 26 1999
- to anyone from usa - shaun, lily, australia, February 12 1999
- What? - Shaun, Burger King, USA, February 16 1999
- to dark truth - becky, mother, usa, February 10 1999
- To dark truth - becky, married with children, usa, February 03 1999
- An Angels Prayer - Dark Truth, January 29 1999
- burger factory - Jacob Bard-Rosenberg, grimace, I don't believe in countries and borders, January 25 1999
- Live McLibel Web Event - Rex, McSpotlight, UK, January 14 1999
- i know what grimace is !!! - shaloc, australia, January 14 1999
- The Truth About People - Dark Truth, January 11 1999
- This page... - Meg, Peace, US, January 11 1999
- What is Grimace??? - ben, U.S., December 15 1998
- What is Grimace??? - ben, U.S., December 15 1998
- Le mort de Grimace - Hugh Morris, support the Hulk Hogan/Hank th Angry Drunken Dwarf ticket, USA, December 16 1998
- NEW threat, the Moon Man - Militants Against the McMafia, Third Fleet of the Imperial Order, Solaris Sector, Earth, January 14 1999
- Ode to Elvis - Kristin, Canada, December 03 1998
- Pain - Ben Sweet, England, December 02 1998
- When I can't be found - Stuart Gort, USA, December 02 1998
- The Birth of a Heart - Kristin, Canada, November 27 1998
- I Am Alive - Kristin, Canada, November 27 1998
- CHANGE - Leslie Blanchard, Bearlife, November 25 1998
- Grimace is a violent bastard!!! - Chandra Hehr, USGS, United States of America, November 14 1998
- what the? - bill, January 28 19100
- Yes. - Cynic, US, November 22 1998
- Ode to a hamburgler - Stuart Gort, USA, November 14 1998
- Calendarize - FastFoodJunkie, USA, November 16 1998
- Grimace must be honoured as the calamity from the skies ! - David Benito Foxall, The Galactic Purple Empire, United Kingdom or Argentina, November 13 1998
- going a bit too far - Brian Westerfield, USPPSHG, United States of America, November 14 1998
- We can help you - Militants Against the McMafia, Third Fleet, Imperial Order, Solaris Sector, Earth, January 14 1999
- Clown Hell - Kristin, Canada, November 10 1998
- Job offer - McMilitants, M.A.M, Third Fleet, Solaris Sector, Earth, November 16 1998
- Veal Appeal - FastFoodJunkie, USA, November 07 1998
- McMafia on the Move! - A concerned Militant, Third Fleet of the Imperial Order, I.O.W.A., November 07 1998
- Third Gear - Stuart Gort, USA, November 07 1998
- Ronald McDonald Haiku - Kristin, November 05 1998
- Ode to a Cow (She used to be) - Kristin, Canada, November 05 1998
- Living Graves by(?) Bernard Shaw - Sophie Powell, UK, October 31 1998
- invisible bruises - Disgruntled McDj', USA, October 31 1998
- Lettre d'un Français, affligé - Real.Fleury., France, October 23 1998
- Grimace is alive and well! - Brian Westerfield, Laramie, Wyoming, United States, October 23 1998
- STAR SPANGLED - Laurent, hjljkl, lost in north america, August 12 1998
- managers - cathy, canada, August 11 1998
- Why so grotesque? - Katie, DHS, USA, July 27 1998
- MICROSOFT - D. Garland, USA, July 21 1998
- Kill The Babysitter - f@rtm@n, OAL, From the land of snot nosed brats, July 13 1998
- McDonald's food is not safe - Arthur Ho, USA, June 29 1998
- Ronald Kidnapping and Re-education video available - XXX, X, occitania, June 02 1998
- Quote - Kathryn, Australia, May 29 1998
- Quant'è buono o Big Mac - Marco Govoni, Uniss, Italy, May 26 1998
- Fanfare for the Common Herd - Gideon Hallett, n/a, UK, May 19 1998
- Anyone with eyes. - DC, No, suburbs, May 15 1998
- Amerikan by force, Anarchist by choice (Dumping Grounds/Battering Ram) - f@rtm@n, (only for now) Olgesby Anarchist League, I'm enslaved in tha usa, May 11 1998
- McShit - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, United Snakes of AmeriKKKa, May 04 1998
- animal testing: *** SURVEY*** - Veronica Shum, None, USA, May 04 1998
- Burgers - CT, April 30 1998
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Tracey Sinclair, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, April 16 1998
- Julia Sawahla - Bryan Daniels, United States, April 09 1998
- Help! - Jen, myself, February 26 1998
- The Way We Where - The Lark, ICA, Ireland, February 19 1998
- The Trial - Gideon Hallett, n/a, UK, February 09 1998
- McD's and Trash (If there's a diiferance) - Jeff Mathias, Anti-Windows Alliance, February 08 1998
- MICROSOFT! - BASE727 (mad cow patrol), WINDSOR ONT CAN., February 04 1998
- A bit hip to 23. Seek to know more. - coogan, self, usa, February 02 1998
- and it gets worse..... - Laughing, Kill the Poor, USA, January 23 1998
- McDonald's False Claims - Craig Spitzberg, FAS-Technologies, US, December 31 1997
- mcdonalds - acekool, usa, December 31 1997
- Next Year - Ronald , U.S. of A, December 19 1997
- Burger Factory Work - Ken Walker, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Canada, November 27 1997
- The Two Bums - The Everett Citizen, IWW, OBU, November 20 1997
- I love the Grimace - kelly f, usa, November 19 1997
- French people should really get off of their high horses - KELLY F., USA, November 19 1997
- Agitators - The Everett Citizen, IWW, One Big Union, October 25 1997
- suppression of Mc Donald's stores - cretinon, france, October 02 1997
- Pester Power - Zachary Emig, USA, July 18 1997
- great story - Lou Fontaine, United States, August 19 1997
- Mad Cow Disease, - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, June 28 1997
- a little ditty - judiff, unofficially me!, england, June 26 1997
- O'Donahue's Restaurants - Ronny Watt, Canada, June 25 1997
- Got sick at - K. Gerard, To Your Health Music, USA, June 24 1997
- Got sick at - K. Gerard, USA, June 24 1997
- Mcdonalds...A Religious Experience - Adam Howard, The Third Triumvirate, Australia, June 09 1997
- Channel 4 Show - Mike Ian, RDA, UK, May 19 1997
- Lettuce for the Julia Sawahla fan club - Julia S, big Mac fries to go, MacLand, May 15 1997
- Grimace! - Kevin , Stink Bombs Inc., United States of Absurdity, May 08 1997
- Survey--please help! - Olivia Leland, Student, Harvard University, USA, May 03 1997
- Meat lies bleeding... - Steve Foley, U.S.A., March 21 1997
- God loves animals - Caidy, U.S., March 18 1997
- New Debating society in Southern California - Fred Frontino, Inland Empire Debating Society, USA, February 02 1997
- A satire... - Gideon Hallett, n/a, U.K., January 28 1997
- Grimace is evil - Edi Winkler, Australia, January 24 1997
- seeking debaters in Southern California - Fred Frontino, San Bernardino Valley Collrgr, USA, January 10 1997
- New Web Site - Richard Starkey BA PGCE (Environmental Science), The University of West England, UK, December 03 1996
- McPoem - David Kirkby, Australia, November 30 1996
- McShit - Geoff Francis, The World (sub-branch, Australia), November 29 1996
- Hatred - Slab, Australia, November 18 1996
- Ode to MacCarrot - Carrot, November 08 1996
- who wrote the mcdonald's jingle? - shana priwer, us, September 18 1996
- over now, but... - wellwhocaresitsnotimportant, September 01 1996
- The Food Stamp Money Trail - Steven Myers, August 08 1996
- Card-Board-Cut-Out - Zach Conner, August 08 1996
- THE TRUTH - Monica Blache, August 08 1996
- Re: THE TRUTH - Suzie and Csilla, Ontario, Canada, January 05 1998
- The Computer - Chuck Sullivan, August 08 1996
- Rage in Heaven - Spike Milligan, UK, August 01 1996
- I had a dream - Janet Kuypers , USA, August 01 1996
- The couch potato - Rolo Low Eaves, August 01 1996
- Mother Earth's Revenge - Shelby M. Forrest, August 01 1996
- NATURE'S CRY - Gerald Fisher , Canada, August 01 1996
- Make It Rare - J.T.WOLFE, New York USA, August 01 1996
- Living Graves - anon, August 01 1996
- Sustain, Nourish, Feed - anon, August 01 1996
- See the pile of trash? - Reggie, July 22 1996
- no colors, only deeds - Anon , July 22 1996
- Life beyond HTML - Anon (but you know who it is ;-), Real Life (tm), July 19 1996
- Plastic people - pop culture - Anon, July 19 1996
- The Net - Net Friend, July 19 1996
- The Garden of Lunch (poem) - Steve Kimberley, UK, July 14 1996
- I'd use poems in my class - Barb Kimball, USA, July 09 1996
- On the stock market, where are those long-haired optimists now? - Sad but alive, July 02 1996
- Puzzle ... - paul hartnoll, britain, June 04 1996
- same name - paul hartnoll!, u k, November 22 1998
- Prophetic - Silvia Montello, England, September 25 1998
- White Comedy (poem) - Benjamin Zephaniah, UK, May 22 1996
- You deserve a break today - I hate clowns that lie to children, May 16 1996
- McDonald's Lament (poem) - Andrew, May 02 1996