- Creative Writing -
they can't keep humanity under their will forever. Can they?
Posted by: otto ( retired, usa ) on April 26, 1999 at 13:11:59:
In Reply to: creativity attempt posted by Edward on April 21, 1999 at 12:46:32:

: Hello to you text persons, here I am. We know each other as well as the vending machine. We guess we're doing alright compared to the TV as the children's minds are minced like our words. Let me say this is my say and any reply is yours but we have more in common than we realise. The web we're caught in has bought us before the jury with no power to punish other than more text which we'll quickly forget and turn back to reality of TV. Consume and enjoy all that's offered for the eyes, the ears, the noise, the mouth and the skin. I suppose I'm happy. I'm alive and getting older and miss the ones who didn't make it this far; I've made it to 29!A very worldly view. You are right. I cannot count all those of my generation who are no longer around except in spirit. Their spirit, their gentle and honest lives compel me to keep on in any little way to question corporations with Godly powers and how they use their powers to the detriment of young people. I know it is a losing battle in the short run, but they can't keep humanity under their will forever. Can they? kindest regards.

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