what's new? 1997-1999
8 November 1999: Anti-McDonald's
Campaign News Update
The 15th annual Worldwide
Anti- McDonald's Day was on Saturday October 16th - a protest against the
promotion of junk food, the unethical targeting of children, exploitation
of workers, animal cruelty, damage to the environment and the global domination
of corporations over our lives.
19 October 1999: Campaign
Successes, Harrow
A Brief History leading
to the Council's decision to turn down McDonalds application for a drive
through at Shaftesbury Circle, Harrow, Middlesex, W. London
18 October 1999: The
Tamworth Nine
(Or how runaway cows
are following in Butch and Sundance's trottersteps
Daily Mail, UK
10 October 1999: Ronald
McDonald Supports PETA
Letter in the New Mexico
Alibi from Geoffrey Juliano, the original Ronald McDonald
10 October 1999: McDonald's
Children's Ads Ban Bid - You Can Help
Support the Campaign
to get McDonald's Exploitative Advertising to Children Banned by the Independent
Television Commission (including standard letter to the ITC)
2 October 1999: 'Ronald
McDonald' and Children
The Truth In McDonald's
Own Words - McLibel Support Campaign Statement
2 October 1999: 25
Years of McGarbage
Protesters turn out
to mark the 25th anniversary of the opening of McDonalds' first store in
Woolwich, SE London.
26 September 1999: McLibel
documentary takes Australia by storm
A four-week tour downunder
has turned into a media frenzy as 'McLibel' director Franny Armstrong launches
the film's first proper cinema releases (in Sydney and Melbourne) and turns
up on every chat show going. The tabloids give the film a record four stars
and the broadsheets call it "an often hilarious exposé of big-business
17 September 1999: Anti-McDonald's
Day - October 16th
It's that time of year
again folks: The 15th annual Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day is approaching
on Saturday October 16th.
16 September 1999: PETA
US/UK Ad Bans Controversy
Peta's ads targetting
Ronald McDonald as 'America's #1 Serial Killer were planned for display
in the UK in November. However, the UK advertising industry has caused
controversy by banning them, even before they were submitted.
6 September 1999:
PETA launches Anti-McDonald's campaign
Following the 1997 McLibel High Court verdict, in which the Judge ruled that McDonald's are 'culpably responsible' for cruelty to animals, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have spent two years in talks with the company. Last month negotiations finally broke down when it became clear that McD's were interested solely in public relations, not changing their cruel practices. PETA have responded by launching a high-profile campaign featuring billboard ads, posters, bumper stickers, t-shirts and a call to action from the public.
10 August 1999: Fast-Food Nation: The True Cost of America's Diet
An epic, must-read article from Rolling Stone examining the dark underbelly of the fast food industry, by award-winning journalist Eric Schlosser.
2 July 1999:
McDonald's Activists Seek Appeal
1 July 1999:
McLibel Duo Petition House of Lords
The McLibel defendants lodged a 43 point Petition and 1,200 pages of supporting documentation at the Houses of
Parliament today ...
23 June 1999:
McDonald's in Russia clashes with union-hungry workers
MOSCOW (AP) -- Natalya Gracheva is giving McDonald's heartburn
18 June 1999:
Day of protest & party in financial centres across the globe
10 June 1999:
McDonald's UK Fined £10,000 Over Sewage-in-Kitchen Incident
From the London METRO Daily
19 May 1999:
But What About the (chocolate) Flake?
Re: McDonald's and Alleged Unfair Dismissal
22nd April 1999: Walthamstow Planning Permission Decision
on 5th May
Please come to show your opposition to the proposed McDonald's Drive-Thru in the Station Car Park
19th April 1999: DIY Justice - Some Thoughts
by Dave Morris, McLibel Defendant
19th April 1999: McDonald's and Schools
Inviting the McWolf into the Fold
by Dave Morris, McLibel Defendant
14th April 1999: Anti-McDonald's Happening Planned in Finland
31st March 1999: Activists Win Some Vs. McDonald's Associated Press, 31st March 1999 26th March 1999: More Biotic Baking Brigade Antics Gay Nuns "Cream" Homophobic Reverend, Minnesota Governor Gets Dessert Upside the Head, BBB 'Entartes' Mad Scientist in New England, Corporate-Friendly Enviro Pied at Conference, Caveat Pie: Creamophobia in San Francisco, Animal Abuser Exec Receives A Tart Treat 25th March 1999: "McBurger Off!" Campaign Update Two Year Anniversary Celebration Set for April 29th 25th March 1999: McLibel, By Senator Andrew Bartlett Australian Democrats spokesperson on the environment and animal welfare 23rd March 1999: Hinchley Wood, Surrey, UK Residents Celebrate 100 Days in Occupation of Proposed McDonald's Site 22nd March: Polski McSpotlight Launched (includes information about tobacco companies).
3rd March: David Briars: An Obituary From His Family 24th February 1999: Biotic Baking Brigade Outrage As 3 Cherry Pie San Francisco Activists Jailed 19th February 1999: Appeal Update
18th February 1999: Merseyside Opposition to McDonald's Parents Fight Proposed McD's Opposite Primary School 17th February 1999: Fixed McTour of McDonalds.Com
It's only taken a year and a half to slap back into shape but hey we're 3 years old today!! Why not wish McSpotlight a Happy Birthday!! 1st February 1999: Appeal Update
Diary of Weeks 1 & 2 as well as the Summary of Appeal Points. Keep up to date with court proceedings with these reports straight from the courtroom 15th January 1999: Live Debate
Two-hour live internet debate on McSpotlight: Dave Morris,
McLibel defendant, as well as other guests including the maker of the 'McLibel' documentary,
McSpotlight volunteers and Vegies took part in a two-hour live internet debate on McSpotlight.
12th January 1999: Appeal Documents
10th January 1999: Fries, damned fries ... Hold on a minute ... By Nick Cohen in the The Observer (UK) 14th December 1998: Proposed New McDonald's Site Occupied in Surrey
2500 Local Residents Say NO To McDonald's! 8th December 1998: Former worker's web site leads to a lawsuit - first case of its kind 16th October 1998: Essential events: World Anti-McDonald's Day
From the Big Issue, 12-18th October 1998 12th October 1998: Imagine. 18 June 1999
A proposal for a day of carnival, protest and action in financial centres across the globe on 18th June 1999. From London Greenpeace and others. 12th and 16th October 1998: Worldwide Protests Against McDonalds
Reports from activists around the world. 9th October 1998: Inviting the McWolf into the fold
McLibel defendant Dave Morris examines the recent move allowing Big Business into schools. 8th October 1998: Writing On The Wall For UK Libel Laws?
Letter to the Guardian from Dave Morris, McLibel Defendant 17th September 1998: McLibel 2 Sue Met Police Commissioner
Press release from the McLibel Support Campaign 12th September 1998: McExploitation of Kids with McToys in Hong Kong
Legislators Warn On Burger Drive, The South China Morning Post 11st September 1998: McDonald's free celebration, Australia
Catalyst presents a collide-o-scopic evening of festivities marking the non-arrival of McDonald's in their town. McLibel documentary, food, music, internet. Thurs 8th Oct. Enmore, Australia. 22nd August 1998: Historic First Ever Union Victory for Workers
McDonald's Certifies: Vancouver, Canada 18th August 1998: McLibel Mailing List to Change Hands
McLibel Support Campaign press release. 29th July 1998: The Suppression Of The Two McLibel Films
Media Suppression of the Channel 4 'McLibel' Dramatisation and the 'McLibel' Documentary - the role of the media, and why the films must be widely shown 29th July 1998: McLibel Pre-Appeal Controversies Update from the McLibel Support Campaign following the hearing on 27th July 1998 28th July 1998: McLibel case now a McPaper war
LONDON - Call it McLibel, part two. From the Waikato Times, NZ 27th July 1998: McLibel Back In Court - Appeal Controvery
Legal Aid refused - Huge Costs May Lead To Historic Appeal Being Struck Out - Liberty Backs Appeal 22nd July 1998: Mass Protests in Turkey Against New McDonald's Store
MCDONALD'S WILL BE THROWN OUT OF METU (Middle East Technical University) 21st July 1998: UK Civil Liberty Group: Support For McLibel Appeal
On 21st July 1998 Liberty Announced Their Support For The McLibel Appeal 15th July 1998: McDonald's Enlightens Employees About Unions 4th July 1998: The McAppeal Legal Issues Here is information about the coming Appeal ... 3rd July 1998: McLibel Appeal Controversy The McLibel saga continues... 30th June 1998: McLibel Appeal Preliminary Hearing Postponed 26 June 1998: McWorld Cup, Saturday, 11th July 1998 19th June 1998: McLibel 2 Bury Suppressed Documentary Time Capsule 19th June 1998: Letter to Guardian - McLibel Film
from McLibel Defendants Dave Morris and Helen Steel 19th June 1998: Why won't British TV show a film about McLibel?
Is it really so dangerous? Or are broadcasters cowards? 19th/20th June 1998: McLibel Anniversary Days Of Action
One Year After The Verdict, and the Two Worlds Continue To Collide... 18th June 1998: McHeadquarters Layoffs! 15 June 1998: Banned McLibel documentary fights back 12 June 1998: Reclaiming Our Lives And Our World from London Greenpeace - how can people make it happen? Some notes and thoughts on what is possible.... 3rd June 1998: Bermuda Succeeds In Outlawing McDonald's! 16th May 1998: McDonald's Video Game & Virgin Cola (Richard Branson) 2nd May 1998: Massive mobilisation in India against the World Trade Organisation 28th April 1998: Comments on McVeggie Burger ... McDonald's Strategy and Food Quality 23rd April 1998: McDonald's ordered to use non disposable crockery, utensils etc., in Australia. 18th April 1998: McDonald's strike in Macedonia Ohio USA
(including "The Ballad of Macedon-i-o" by Deborah Van Kleef). 18th April 1998: What's Wrong With The Body Shop FAQ 16th April 1998: Body Shop PR Strategey Spreads...To McDonald's by Kat Burke 16th April 1998: Did Somebody Say SHUT DOWN McDonalds?
Student activists battle corporate giants for rights to speak freely on campus 14th April 1998: NUS Withdraws From McDonald's 'Privilege Card' Scheme
Motion passed at NUS Conference condemning McDonald's for its exploitative practices 5th April 1998: Spring Mailing (1) - Supporter's Letter - Spring 1998
5th April 1998: Spring Mailing (2) - CD and Book - Ordering details from UK
30th March 1998: Gandalf Three Freed on Bail!!The Gandalf Three were unexpectedly released on bail on Friday 27th March... 27th March 1998: Victory Against McDonald's in Slough 16th March 1998: New Campaign: "What's Wrong With the Body Shop?" 16th March 1998: Leaflet: What's Wrong With the Body Shop? Part 1 of 2 16th March 1998: Leaflet: What's Wrong With the Body Shop? Part 2 of 2 7th March 1998: Spontaneous Uprising Against McDonald's Successful! 21st February 1998: Ronald McDonald Burned in Effigy at McDonalds Protest
At 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 18, six members of IRATE gathered outside of the new McDonalds restaurant in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island... 17th February 1998: Canadian union drive forces closure of local store...
... although the owner claims it was simply due to bad location. The store was poised to be the first organised in Canada. 16th February 1998: Happy Birthday McSpotlight. Two years old today. 13th February 1998: McDonald's Closes Unionized Franchise
25th January 1998: UK Football League and McDonald's Unite to 'Exploit' Children -
Launch of Campaign to Kick McDonald's out of Football
25th January 1998: McDonald's Continue to Deceive Their Customers -
in defiance of UK High Court Ruling. 23rd January 1998: Oprah versus the hamburgers
McLibel witness Howard Lyman and talk show host Oprah Winfrey stand accused of libelling hamburgers.The trial attracts massive media attention in the US. 21st January 1998: McDonald's Manipulation Of The Media...
... Bob Carter, a US author and travel journalist, sent a letter to McDonald'sCorporation requesting information... 8th January 1998: Resistance Grows to UK Jailings of Radical Journalists
A Call To Action / Report of LGSC Launch Meeting 2nd January 1998: The Fat-Filled Fast-Food Fry Wars...
... McDonald's unhealthy food deteriorates further. 9th December 1997: McLibel documentary
23rd November 1997: McLibel book
Ordering details for John Vidal's book about the McLibel Trial. Now available in paperback for 4 pounds and as a special US edition. 21st November 1997: Gandalf Three jailed for three years
Trial report, petition and campaign about the three magazine editors imprisoned for reporting environmental and animal rights actions. 27th October 1997: half the McLibel Two
25th October 1997: major structural work completed
In preparation for the definitive version of McSpotlight (the upcoming CD-ROM) we've been oh so busy redoing the site: check out the new Beyond McDonald's, Kids and Issues pages. 13th October 1997: press backgrounder
9th October 1997: McLibel pages redone
The section of the site devoted to the McLibel Trial has finally been overhauled and sorted out. Should now be each easier to find exactly how many witnesses appeared, that particularly amusing courtroom exchange or what Richard Rampton prefers for breakfast. (Sorry, this section is not going to be on the mirror sites till we sort out a way of uploading more than one file at a time!) 4th October 1997: McLibel 2 go Stateside
Helen and Dave are off on a week's promotional trip in America. Signing books, speaking to packed-out stadiums, that kind of thing. Plenty of opportunities to go along and say hello or throw tomatoes. 29th September 1997: Campaigns
26th September 1997: Media pages
7th September 1997: Appeal
28th August 1997: Press Update ... Press avalanche:
Over 40 (yep that's over FORTY!) press articles into the press sections:
August 1997 - Exclusive interviews
31st July 1997- Press release
31st July 1997 - Press update
29th July 1997 - Campaign update
19th July 1997- Campaign update
14th July 1997- Interviews
Friends of the Earth Director - Charles Secrett - puts McDonald's in the McSpotlight 15th July 1997- Company update
14th July - Interviews
9th July 97 - Interviews
9th July 97 - Media Update
4th July 97 - Media Update (Press backlog to clear)
- The Scotish Daily Record - 20th June 1997
- The Canberra Times - 24th June 1997
- The Bangkok Daily Post - 26th June 1997
- South China Morning Post - 20th June 1997
- The Guardian - 18th June 1997
- The Guardian - 20th June 1997>
1st July 97 - Open Letter
25th June 97 - Judgement
The Judgement begines to appear - loaded in installments the full judgement amounting to some 800 pages is fully accessible. 21st June 97 - Verdict Update
20th June 97 - Media Update (can't even get off line now before another one arrives)
20th June 97 - Media Update (here we go!)
Plus... If you've been look for a way to send McDonald's your opinions but have been frustrated by their disinterest, look no further - McSpotlight provides a feedback form to McDonald's corporation. (Use it while it works!).
19th June 97 - Judgement day
18th June 97 - Media Update
13th June 97 - Media Update
11th June 97 - People
Two new exclusive interviews to McSpotlight from notable characters involved in McLibel.
- Jeremy Corbyn, British MP
- George Ritzer, author of McDonaldisation of Society
10th June 97 -
9th June 97 - Media Update
2nd June 97 - Subvert Update
2nd June 97 - Company Advert
McDonald's discover hitherto underexploited consumer market. Recent sales slump expected to recover. In the hope that you're never too young to have a "Mac Attack," McDonald's has now entered the womb. 30th May 97 - Company Update
26th March - Play
25th March - Press Release
21st March - Beyond McDonald's
21st March - Capitalism and the Alternatives
19th March - Global Diary
17th March - Photos of McLibel documentary
Exclusive photos from last week's filming of the courtreconstructions for the McLibel documentary.
17th March - Local Residents Campaigns
16th March - Media Update
15th March - Local Residents Campaigns
14th March - Internationals Campaigns
11th March - People Interviews
10th March - Media, Television
8th March - Residents Campaigns
7th March - Campaigns
Protests are planned today for actions outside several stores in Japan. New translations add to campaigners capabilities and ability to dissipate information.
6th March - Press Update
4th March - Press Update
McDonald's try to turn the clock back with Campaign 55, perhaps it's all too late:
4th March - Czech Protest
3rd March - NEW HOMEPAGE
3rd March - Press Update
- When next taking a trip to or past your local McDonald's you'll find some of this material helpful. A pagewhere campaigners can print off whatever poster, slogan, leaflet or scary picture they need. Easy to useand navigate, bookmark the page for your next protest.
25th February - Press Updates
24th February - Residents Campaigns
20th February - Interviews
New interviews from some of the trial's celebrities. Exclusive to McSpotlight in the People's section. These are explosive interviews!
19th February - Media Update
We have a backlog of press again (thanks to weeks working on the transcripts).
Yes, one full year of uncensored reporting and campaigning. Twelve months of news from the Royal Courts of Justice and from around the world. Three hundred and sixty five days of in-depth information and open debate. McSpotlight had it's first anniversary today!
We pulled out all the stops and uploaded
the entire court transcripts from the McLibel trial, 313 days, approx 19,000 pages (79mb of data).Additionally, we uploaded
McDonald's Closing Submissions. But be warned, they are very tedious - perhaps deliberately. Feel like a quick browse?
Check out our awards page. 15th February - Various
13th February - Big Plans Announced
Press Release about the first anniversary of McSpotlight and announcing McSpotlight's intention toput the entire McLibel Trial court transcripts online. The huge document will add about 19,000 new filesand about 75mb of data!.
The additions will stretch McSpotlight disk quota to the limits and as a result the recently added Muscat search engine index of the debating room has been replaced by a more basic and slow search engine dedicated solely tothe Debating Room that does not use as much disk space.
11th February - Search Engine
There are now several ways to search McSpotlight. The search option from the menu button cluster will provide access to all of the available subject groupings. The page is optimised for the latest browsers but should work with anybrowser that handles forms and tables. If you have a problem, please let us know.
9th February - Debating Room
Continuing the implementation of the new search engine, we have overhauled the Debating Room.
8th February - New Search Engine
In preparation for a major siteoverhaul planned to coincide with the 1st anniversary of McSpotlight's launch, we have started to implement a more powerful and easy to usesearch engine. We have started with the Press Cuttings since the index was getting far too big. It has beensplit into four categories :
McSpotlight, and
The orginal indexhas been replaced with links to the four new ones, and a gateway to our newsearch engine so that you can search all of the Press Cuttings.
7th February - PressUpdates
Very long and detailed look at the trial and the issues. Well worth a read.
5th February - Residents Campaigns
4th February - Residents Campaigns
2ndFebruary - Residents Campaigns
31stJanuary - Media
31st January - Residents Campaigns
30thJanuary - Residents Campaigns
29th January -Campaigns
27th January - Press Update
What is YOUR jobsworth?! Revelations of McDonald's spy who sold herself to Ronald. 26th January - New Merchandise Pages
Say it, stick it, wear it, spread it! More ways to skin McDonald's than ever before. All available in the updated merchandise pages. 26th January - Baby Milk Scare
Salmonalla outbreak forces government to withdraw product range.
25th January 1997 - Press Update
More articles that help to give a fuller picure on the Press Index 22nd January 1997 - McFun
17th January 1997 - Campaigns
17th January 1997 - Press Updates
Yet more press articles added to the Press Index, the backlog is almost gone. 16th January 1997 - Campaigns
16th January 1997 - Press Updates
Still more articles from the last year.
15th January 1997 - Campaigns
15th January 1997 - Press updates
The following 'found', 'remembered' or 'discovered' articles have also been added to the temporarily 'stripped down' version of the Press Index;
13th January 1997 - Company
12th January 1997 - Press updates
Because the file was becoming too large, the Index of Press Cuttings has been simplified. To increase easy of use, we hope to split the index up into seperate catagories soon. The following 'lost', 'forgotten' or 'recently recieved' articles have also been added; Our review of 1996 has been updated to include the new articles and the information they contain. 11th January 1997 - Campaigns
10th January 1997 - Press updates
5th January 1997 - Beyond McDonald's
3rd January 1997