what's new?
 what's new? 2000-2003
December 9th 2003
New Anti-McDonalds Demos
Every Thursday - Leicester Square, Central London
December 2nd 2003
McLibel 2 Letter to the Editor
This letter (slightly amended) was printed in the Guardian 2 December 2003
December 1st 2003
Victory in the UK Campaign for Stricter Planning Controls on Hot Food Take Aways!
Following campaigns by community groups, complaints from local authorities and concerns voiced by MPs over a period of years, the government has now taken moves that will effectively stop McDonald's from taking over pubs without the need for planning permission.
December 1st 2003
Chips Are Down For McDonald's
Fast food corporation McDonald's has been rapped by the Advertising Standards Authority for a misleading campaign about their fries.
November 28th 2003
McDonald's Japan to wallow in red from job-cutting costs, business pullout
McDonald's Japan said it will incur a group net loss for the second consecutive year in 2003
November 28th 2003
Merriam-Webster explains disappearing McJob
More on the 'McJob' Controversy
November 28th 2003
Ban adverts for bad food, says health watchdog
The Food Standards Agency and the Department of Health are preparing to advise ministers on unprecedented controls on promoting foods with high fat, sugar or salt content to children.
November 28th 2003
Children's TV snack adverts face ban
Food watchdog launches debate on action after obesity warning
November 28th 2003
Dictionary Definition of 'McJob' is Slap in Face, says Angry Burger Boss
Poor old McDonald's. Just as the world's largest fast-food chain is trying to spruce up its image (and its profits) it has been dealt another blow - this time lexicographic.
November 28th 2003
Official: fat epidemic will cut life expectancy
Supermarkets act as health chief sounds obesity alarm
November 28th 2003
The junk food timebomb that threatens a new generation
The Government's top food adviser has issued a shock warning that life expectancy could fall if Britain does not tackle the obesity problem. Jo Revill and Kamal Ahmed reveal the latest fears over our ever growing waistlines.
October 27th 2003
McDonald's Settles Lawsuit by 420lb Man
McDonald's settle a lawsuit filed by a 420-pound man who claimed he was denied a job because of his weight.
October 24th 2003
One-third of McDonald's franchisees in Brazil to sue the Mac.
One-third of McDonald's franchisees in Brazil, its eighth-largest market, are suing the company, accusing it of overcharging for rent and undermining them by opening too many stores.
October 24th 2003
Cardiff activists imprisoned follCardiff activists imprisoned following anti-McDonald's protestowing anti-McDonald's protest
Cardiff police admitted in court to beating Val Swain while she was handcuffed. The judge then sent her and a fellow protester to prison despite the fact that neither have any previous convictions and represent no threat to any member of the public.
October 24th 2003
McDonald's under fire for Sesame Street sponsorship
A protest group backed by former presidential candidate Ralph Nader has called on fast-food giant McDonald's to be dropped as sponsor of the children's TV show 'Sesame Street' over obesity fears.
October 24th 2003
McDonald's Sponsorship of 'Sesame Street' Challenged
Health Group Cites Obesity, Demands Removal of PBS Message
October 24th 2003
Anti-McDonald's Song
Give a listen to this new anti-McDonald's rap song by Western Australian outfit Threee Eyed Fish.
October 17th 2003
Another blow to McDonald's! - Local Residents in Harrow defeat McD's drive-thru
A pioneering residents' group which fought a four-year campaign against a McDonald's restaurant becoming a drive-thru is celebrating after the company decided not to launch a final appeal.
October 17th 2003
Are we turning our children into 'fat' junkies?
One in 10 British children under five is obese. Health experts blame sedentary lifestyles - and ever bigger fast food portions - but new research suggests that a diet high in fat and sugar may trigger the same addictive cravings as tobacco or drugs.
October 1st 2003
TV ads blamed for rise in child obesity
Fast-food chains such as McDonald's and there advertising criticized for the excessive consumption of junk food that is causing an increase of obesity among young people.
September 24th 2003
Euro Court: McLibel Reply to UK Government's Observations
The McLibel case continues on its slow crawl (now almost 13 years!) through the legal system. On 6th July the McLibel 2 sent their latest submissions to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case now known as Steel and Morris vs UK.
September 24th 2003
Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day, Thursday Oct 16th - CALL FOR ACTION
Thursday October 16th 2003 will be the 19th annual Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day [UN World Food Day] - a protest against the promotion of junk food, the unethical targeting of children, exploitation of workers, animal cruelty, damage to the environment and the global domination of corporations over our lives.
September 24th 2003
McDonald's Workers in Paris on Strike for 6 Months - Occupy Store
Not only are they on strike, they're also occupying the store 24/7 effectively shutting it down and turning it into a giant banner for their cause.
September 24th 2003
Victory for Local Residents in Canada!
On Sept 17th a McDonald's store admitted defeat after a long-running campaign by Toronto residents against a local store being converted into a Drive-Thru.
September 24th 2003
Press release from The Food Commission
World's children at risk from junk food marketing
September 8th 2003
Judge Throws Out Revised Obesity Suit Against McDonald's
The ruling marks the second time U.S. District Judge Robert Sweet dismissed the case brought on behalf of two youngsters who blamed their obesity, diabetes and other health problems on Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets.
September 8th 2003
Mac the Knife
McDonald's is trying to stop a Singapore company from labelling its instant beverages and food products MacTea, MacChocolate and MacNoodles
September 8th 2003
Justine Timberlake in bed with Mcdonalds
McDonald's Corp. said its latest advertising will feature a partnership with pop star Justin Timberlake, a move designed to connect with youthful customers.
July 28th 2003
Mcdonalds target moms with new marketing concept.
Online newsletter is targetted at McMoms
July 28th 2003
Broken glass found in Mcdonalds burger.
Two police officers hospitalized after eating burger containing glass
July 23rd 2003
McLibel film director to tour US colleges
Franny Armstrong/Spanner Films US college speaking tour to take place in Fall 2003
July 9th 2003
Is Big Mac's slump a sign of the times?
To have anti-capitalist May Day demonstrations and financial results from McDonald's both in the same week is too much of a coincidence to resist.
July 9th 2003
Greek Protesters Torch McDonald's in Anti-EU Rally
Police fired volleys of teargas in Greece's second largest city on Saturday to disperse about 200 self-styled anarchists who smashed shop windows and set fire to buildings including a McDonald's.
July 9th 2003
Lawyers Drop Key Claim in McDonald's Obesity Suit
Lawyers for McDonald's Corp. urged a federal judge on Wednesday to dismiss a lawsuit blaming the food chain for children's obesity.
July 9th 2003
'FuckMcDonalds.co.uk' Latest Newsletter July '4
Here is the latest newsletter from our friends at FuckMcDonalds.co.uk
July 5th 2003
Argentina Shuts McDonald's, Burger King Outlets
Argentine authorities close down MaccyD's after test showed positive for the potentially deadly E-colibacteria.
July 2nd 2003
McDonald's faces e-coli scare in Argentina ... again
Several stores are raided in connection with the death of a young boy from food hamburger poisoning death
July 1st 2003
An Italian restaurant critic is being sued by McDonald's for slating its food.
An Observer journalist reveals why small fries shoudl stand up to Big Macs.
June 24th 2003
McDonald's nixes growth-promoting antibiotics in its food chain
McDonald's said it has instructed its meat suppliers to phase out the use of growth-promoting antibiotics in animal husbandry in the service of the wider public health battle on antibiotic resistance in humans.
June 16th 2003
Golden Arches won't come to Smithville
An historic village area in New Jersey is saved from the blight of a McDonald's drive-thru.
June 10th 2003
Future Active: Media Activism and the Internet
This new book by Graham Meikle is an exploration of the widening field of internet activism, of the key players and their ideas, and of the tactics and technologies that inspire them, with a special chapter on McSpotlight.
June 10th 2003
Residents campaign against fast food outlets in the Blue Mountains, Australia
Please find below the latest update in our quest to have the WHOLE REGION protected against any further incursions fromfast food chains.
June 3rd 2003
Dirty Dozen Poll
AdBusters are running a poll of the 12 worst corporations - Altria to Wal-Mart and of course calling in on McD's on the way.
June 3rd 2003
McDonald's fries critic of its 'cardboard' food
Once the legions marched forward to repel the barbarian hordes; now a lone Italian food critic has ridden out against what he sees as their contemporary equivalent.
May 30th 2003
Mcdonalds sales fall for the 14th consecutive month
Falling sales are saved by a limp salad.
May 30th 2003
Mad Cow found in Canada
Mcdonalds stock takes a tumble as a case of Mad Cow Disease is discovered close to the US Border.
May 28th 2003
Big Mac feels the bite in the UK
McDonald's operations in the UK suffered a sharp fall in profits last year amid growing signs that the British public's 29-year love affair with its menu of burgers, shakes and fries is coming to an end.
May 28th 2003
Big Mac, large fries and an English lesson for Tokyo kids
ONE of Japan’s leading English language schools has struck a deal with McDonald's the fast-food chain, to provide classroom space for a new generation of students.
May 28th 2003
McDonald's is now the true home of the whopper.
What's that on the horizon? Ah yes... it's a massive cultural revolution. I thought we were due one.
May 28th 2003
Another Residents' Victory !
McDonald's Denied Big 'M' on Pole in Hadleigh, Essex, UK
May 23rd 2003
McDonald's closure in Edgware, UK
Fast food outlet forced to draw attention to its unpopularity in order to counter food poisoning claims.
May 1st 2003
Mcdonalds chew over another law suit.
Chewing gum found in Mcdonalds salad. Cheque please.
April 30th 2003
Jury awards former franchise owner $16.5 million in McDonald's suit
POMONA, Calif. (AP) - A jury has awarded a former McDonald's franchise owner $16.5 million, agreeing with her claims that the fast-food giant defrauded her when it pressured her to sell her outlets.POMONA, Calif. (AP) - A jury has awarded a former McDo
April 25th 2003
McDonald's Simmers Over Bill
Mcdonald's latest airport concession stalls on the runway.
April 24th 2003
Fat Man Sues McDonald's Over Non-Hire
Another heavyweight lawsuit takes McD back into the ring.
April 11th 2003
One McWar to go, please
McDonald's remains the most potent symbol of the freedoms for which the American troops have been fighting these past few weeks. The freedom of choice to have the same food served by the same corporation in every high street in the world.
April 11th 2003
Mcdonald's sales fall for a 13th consecutive month
March same-store sales fell 3.7 percent, its 13th straight monthly decline, pulled lower by weak results in Europe and Asia and increased competition in the crowded U.S.
April 11th 2003
Lebanon says Islamic fundamentalists attacked McDonald's
Lebanese Islamic fundamentalists carried out Saturday's (05/04/03) dynamite blast in a crowded McDonald's restaurant that injured three people
April 7th 2003
McDonald's plans Indian expansion
McDonald's plans to double its outlets in India over the next three years, as the global fast food giant prepares to close outlets in the US, Europe and elsewhere.
April 6th 2003
McDonalds 'ignored health advice'
Fast food restaurant chain McDonalds is facing renewed legal action in the US over claims that the its food was responsible for health problems among a group of obese American children.
April 6th 2003
Blast Rocks Toilet at Lebanon McDonald's Restaurant
A small blast ripped through the toilets of a McDonalds restaurant in Beirut - the latest in a string of attacks on fast food outlets associated with the USA
April 2nd 2003
Victory! McDonald's Fried in Harrow
The local people of Harrow (Greater London) have succeeded - for the second time - in preventing a drive-through at the McDonald’s restaurant adjacent to a childrens' school!
March 31st 2003
McD's take war flak
McD stores provide a focus for protestors during global anti-war/ pro-peace demonstrations
March 31st 2003
Grown in the hands of Indonesian sons and daughters
Protesters unswayed by McDonald's defence as regional McD's try and distance themselves from USA
March 31st 2003
Thousands join Greek anti-war rally; McDonalds restaurant damaged by grenade
McD's continues to be identified as the leading icon of American imperialism
March 27th 2003
McDonald's bids for healthy kids
More on Ronald's plans to swap burgers for apples and pears to tempt the kids
March 27th 2003
McDonald's to Cut Jobs, Delay Renovation
More on McD's ongoing u-turns in trying to turn the ailing monster around
March 27th 2003
What happened next
Want to know what the McLibel Two are up to these days - then read this article from The Observer (UK)
March 12th 2003
Hold your fries - fresh fruit is coming to McDonald's
No to healthier oil but McD will SELL you fruit ... oh and by the way did you hear the one about the recent obesity law suit - now what might look good in response to that? Hmm.
March 12th 2003
McDonald's Postpones Move to Healthier Oil
McD's decides that 'addictive' flavour is more important than healthier oil
March 12th 2003
Saudi McDonald's firebombed as American aggression increases
Saudi authorities have arrested a man who threw a Molotov cocktail at a McDonald's restaurant in eastern Saudi Arabia - following another store being set alight in November '02
February 24th 2003
Update: Mother looking for parents and carers with similar experiences
Are you a parent or carer of a kid who has had an accident at McDonald's? Linda Paulsen would like you to get in touch - sunshineshine67@hotmail.com - to find out why read the related article
February 14th 2003
McDonalds Workers Resistance - Annual Report 2002
MWR had a very busy 2002 - international workers resistance grows - from Glasgow to Florida, from Winnipeg to Sydney McD workers are 'increasingly capable of affecting McDonalds' business'
February 12th 2003
Couple Sues McDonald's Over Tough Bagel
A couple is suing the franchisee of a McDonald's restaurant, claiming an improperly prepared bagel damaged the husband's teeth and their marriage
February 12th 2003
The pain continues for Ronald
McDonald's stock has sunk to an eight-year low. Observers say its efforts to turn around its sagging U.S. business won't pay off before 2004.
February 12th 2003
McDonald's plans big overhaul for image
McDonald's is about to begin a sweeping, global effort to lift its image out from under the burger grease.
February 12th 2003
Mother seeks compensation for child seriously injured in fall at a McDonald's playground
McDonalds shows its best charitable face in finally agreeing to investigate 1995 accident. Mother of injured kid appeals to other parents who may have suffered a similar experience.
February 12th 2003
Police defuse bomb at Istanbul McDonald's restaurant
Police found a time bomb at a McDonald's restaurant in Istanbul on Saturday, but defused it before it exploded.
February 6th 2003
Is junk food the new tobacco?
Statement from McLibel Support Campaign on the recent obesity law suit in the USA
February 5th 2003
Watchdog cries foul over footballers' junk food endorsements
Premiership footballers including current and former England captains Alan Shearer and David Beckham are compromising health education campaigns by accepting promotion deals from fatty, salty and sugary food brands (incl McDs), it has been claimed
February 5th 2003
End McDonald's funding says MP
An MP is calling for an end to the sponsorship by fast food firm McDonald's of a school governors' meeting in Cornwall, UK
February 5th 2003
Sales of McD's Happy Meals have fallen three years in a row
McDonald's is exploring ways to stem the decline in sales of its Happy Meals for children
February 5th 2003
McD abandon quarterly forecasts
Their motives are questioned as more and more companies go 'Mum'
February 5th 2003
McDonald's: not all publicity is good publicity
More media analysis on the impact of the recent obesity case in the USA
February 5th 2003
Beef about McDonald's in Japan
An article from last year on the slide of McD in the Asian market
February 3rd 2003
Watchdog blasts football's "junk food" ties
A leading food watchdog has showed top football clubs including Manchester United a red card for forging lucrative links with fast-food and soft drinks companies
February 3rd 2003
McDonald's obesity suit may be only the first nibble
U.S. judge's dismissal of obesity lawsuit is no cause for celebration by the fast-food giant, according to legal experts
February 1st 2003
Chewing over problem of fat - a reply
To Letters Editor, Weekly Guardian - for publication / January 20th 2003 from Helen Steel
February 1st 2003
McDonald's obesity suit tossed
U.S. judge says complaint fails to prove chain is responsible for kids' weight gain
February 1st 2003
City may order McD's to go from hospitals
Mayor Bloomberg's planned campaign to reduce obesity in children could mean that the McDonald's franchises in three municipal hospitals could get the boot when leases are up.
January 31st 2003
McDonald's Hamburglars Vegetarians!
The controversial McDonald's beef-flavoured 'vegetarian' fries case in the US continues to create uproar!
January 31st 2003
Man who masterminded McDonald's game scam sentenced
The man who masterminded the McDonald's game scam has been sentenced to more than three years in prison
January 31st 2003
Another Residents Success Story!
McDonald's backs down at 11th hour in bid to open new restaurant in Sheffield (UK).
January 31st 2003
Big Macs Can Make You Fat? No Kidding, a Judge Rules
A federal judge in Manhattan has dismissed a lawsuit that sought to hold McDonald's Corporation liable for obesity and ill health in teenagers.
January 31st 2003
How to Make the Country's Most Dangerous Job Safer
The power lies with one hamburger vendor
January 31st 2003
McDonald's to sell organic milk
The burger chain McDonald's, shunned by Britain's health-conscious middle classes, is to wrongfoot its critics by selling organic semi-skimmed milk.
January 22nd 2003
McDonald's To Sell Organic Milk
The burger chain McDonald's, shunned by Britain's health-conscious middle classes, is to wrongfoot its critics by selling organic semi-skimmed milk.
January 13th 2003
McDonald's/Vegetarian Lawsuit 'Settlement' Controversy Continues
1. Lawyer hits McD on suit settlement process; 2. McDonald's Attacks Vegetarian Leaders; 3. Vegetarians Challenge McDonald's Payout
January 10th 2003
Guardian (UK) 9th Jan. 2003
The Story of a Correction by Dave Morris
January 7th 2003
McLibel Defendant's Letter to The Times (UK)
A response to the article (below): 'All McDonald’s Sells is Burgers, Fries and Milkshakes. What Do Its Opponents Sell?"
January 7th 2003
McDonald's Tinkering with Burger Recipe?
The latest indiction that McD's is desperately trying to turn around it's failing business.
January 7th 2003
McDonald's Ends High-Tech Initiative
More backtracking for the beleaguered multinational
January 7th 2003
McDonald's Manager Accused Of Sanitizing Coffee
Cream, sugar and hand sanitizer? A McDonald's manager in Painesville is accused of spiking customers' coffee.
January 7th 2003
McDonald's Franchise Owner Claims Racism
A McDonald's franchise owner says she is being forced to give up her four restaurants because of a federal racial discrimination lawsuit she filed against the company.
January 7th 2003
McDonald's Japan Expects Net Loss
McDonald's Japan said on Friday it expects to record its first net loss since 1973.
December 23rd 2002
McDonald's US Veggie Law Suit Scandal and Controversy
This statement/article is being circulated to raise some very serious questions about whether McDonald's, which was found to have lied to vegetarians for years about beef in its fries, is now using a $10 million legal settlement payout to try to manipulate sections of the vegetarian movement for its own ends.
December 23rd 2002
McDonald's first quarterly loss echoes troubles of fast-food industry
Struggling McDonald's said Tuesday that it's about to report its first quarterly loss ever -- just days before a new CEO is to be handed keys to Mickey D's.
December 23rd 2002
Another Residents' Victory - Oaxacan city defeats McDonald's!
Considered by many to be Mexico's culinary capital, this city took on McDonald's and won, keeping the hamburger giant out of its colonial plaza by passing around tamales in protest.
December 16th 2002
McDonald's chairman to retire at year's end
Just nine months after asking him to stay on the job until 2005, struggling fast food giant McDonald's Corp. is saying goodbye to its chairman and chief executive, Jack Greenberg.
December 16th 2002
Bombay McDonald's Blast Injures 17, Air-Con Blamed
An explosion injured at least 17 people Friday at a Bombay plaza that McDonald's shares with another food outlet, and police said faulty air-conditioning was probably to blame.
December 16th 2002
McDonald's Japan cuts profit forcast by 91%.
McDonald's Holdings on Friday cut its profit forecast by 91 per cent after its discount-price burgers failed to lure customers.
December 16th 2002
McDonald's closing 13 restaurants in Denmark and Closing Down All Stores In Bolivia
McDonald's Denmark said Monday it will close 13 Danish restaurants and lay off 371 workers, part of the company's global restructuring plan.
December 10th 2002
The International 'McGo-slow As Fuck', December 21 2002
Glasgow MWR has proposed a day of working slowly on December 21st in support of the popular rebellion in Argentina and the anti-McDonalds political prisoners in Mexico.
December 5th 2002
Consumers Expose Misleading Advertising
Following a barrage of complaints nation-wide, a misleading advert by McDonald’s has been exposed in the national press.
December 5th 2002
McDonald's tries to spit out obesity lawsuit
McDonald's, trying to kill a controversial lawsuit blaming it for youth obesity, has said that people know that gobbling up too many Big Macs and fries will make them fat.
December 5th 2002
McDonald's closing 13 restaurants in Denmark
McDonald's Denmark said Monday it will close 13 Danish restaurants and lay off 371 workers, part of the company's global restructuring plan.
December 3rd 2002
Blue Mountains Urgent 'SOS' to the World
Urgent 'SOS' to the World from Mountains Against McDonald's (CORE), Blue Mountains, Australia
November 29th 2002
Are Big Macs hazardous to children's health?
Lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit against McDonald's on behalf of New York children who have suffered health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
November 29th 2002
Ronald McDonald is left with a grimace
Another victory for Local Residents - Centennial council fries chain's hopes for new restaurant
November 22nd 2002
Not so big, Mac
All is not well at McDonald's. After years of rampant expansion, it's closing down 175 outlets in 10 countries. Is the shine finally coming off those golden arches?
November 22nd 2002
McDonald's set on fire
Riyadh - A man armed with a pistol walked into a McDonald's restaurant near a US air base in Saudi Arabia and set it on fire with petrol
November 22nd 2002
Bomb blast rocks McDonald's in Lebanon
A small bomb ripped through the parking lot of a McDonald's restaurant in an eastern suburb of Beirut on Monday, damaging cars but causing no injuries, court sources said.
November 18th 2002
Big Mac Attacked
In the soon-to-be blockbuster 'The Sims Online', players could find it difficult to avoid getting their fingers soiled on virtual McDonald's hamburgers.
November 13th 2002
Stores shut and shares tumble as reality bites at McDonald's
McDonald's has announced it is to shut 175 stores in 10 countries and will pull out of three countries altogether – reversing its 20-year policy of global expansion.
November 13th 2002
McDonald's restaurant burns down in eastern France
Police are investigating a suspected arson attack on a McDonald's restaurant under construction in eastern France.
November 13th 2002
France and US in battle of Big Mac
The American and European arms of the burger giant McDonald's are involved in a row after an admission in a French magazine advert that children should eat in their restaurants only once a week.
November 11th 2002
McDonald's to shut in 10 nations
The global dominance of McDonald's took a knock yesterday when the fast food giant issued a profits warning and announced plans to shut restaurants in 10 countries.
November 11th 2002
Falling sales slow worldwide march of McDonald's
The troubles facing McDonald's deepened yesterday as the burger chain warned of a profit shortfall and announced the closure of more than 175 outlets.
November 11th 2002
McLibel article in Friends of Animals 'Action Line'
A really good article about Burger King, Vegetarianism and McLibel, followed by a reply from McLibel defendant Dave Morris
November 4th 2002
Oprah/Lyman Veggie Libel Suit is Finally Over!
It's OVER. Texas Cattlement vs. Howard Lyman/Oprah Winfrey was "dismissed with prejudice."
November 1st 2002
Global Round-Up of Anti-McDonald's Day Protests on Oct. 16th
Reports from Worldwide Anti-McDonald's day from Australia to Mexico, Russia to South Africa, Brazil, USA and throughout Eastern andWestern Europe.
November 1st 2002
Ludicrous '40,312 McDonald's Meal Combinations' Advert upheld by ASA
If you think a Big Mac, fries and a shake is a different meal than a shake, fries and Big Mac, read on ...
October 31st 2002
McDonald's May Woo Japan with Krispy Kreme
Japan's top restaurant chain, McDonald's Holdings Co. (Japan) 2702.Q), may be finalizing plans to partner with U.S. sweet-treat giant Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Salomon Smith Barney said in a note on Tuesday.
October 24th 2002
McDonald's loses its appetite
McDonald's yesterday gave details of plans to sharply cut back on expansion next year and redirect cash into improving the restaurant chain's existing portfolio.
October 24th 2002
McTrouble - More Doom and Gloom for the Burger Giant
Times are lean for the company that has come to symbolise American corporate might.
October 17th 2002
McSpotlight in the Headlines
As a week of Worldwide Anti-McDonald's protests continues, the London Evening Standard holds up McSpotlight's anti-corporate web site as an effective opponent of the burger giant's global domination.
October 15th 2002
McCensorship! Local paper reveals McDonald's underhanded copyright scandal.
Local residents fighting a McDonald's drive-thru next to a childrens' school in Harrow, greater London, were denied access to the site plans because they were stamped with a copyright mark.
October 14th 2002
Mac Free Zone - Leave Us Alone! - Mountains Against McDonald's (MAM) Begins 'SOS' To The World.
Hundreds of local residents threatened by a McDonald's in the beautiful upper Blue Mountains of New South Wales take part in a community photo and protest at the proposed site for a drive-through.
October 7th 2002
McDonald's Shake-Up Appears Unlikely
Changing tastes have knocked McDonald's Corp. off the fast track and some industry analysts are wondering whether changes at the top aren't necessary to get the company moving again.
September 19th 2002
McD have worst share day since '87 crash
As McD stock value sinks to 30% of 1998 value, Jack admits they have lost market leadership
September 19th 2002
Virtual burgers costs McD's a real packet
McDonald's pay millions for product placement in electronic game
September 19th 2002
Big Mac, fries and a burly police constable please
Officers are being encouraged to eat at McDonald's and other fast food outlets while on duty to help cut street crime
September 12th 2002
The Ultimate McDonald's Store - No Workers!
A campaign has started in the USA to 'Stop The Box' - a new McD convenience store venture where the human element is replaced by a vending machine.
September 10th 2002
'McLibel' & 'Drowned Out' to be screened on World Anti-McDonald's day (nearly)
Defendants Helen Steel and Dave Morris will be introducing a special screening of 'McLibel: Two Worlds Collide' at the Curzon Soho cinema in London on October 12th. Also screening will be director Franny Armstrong's new doc following the fight against the Narmada dam in India.
September 9th 2002
McDonald's U.S. Franchisees Mull Discount Menu, Extensive Store Remodeling
In the latest effort to revive U.S. sales, McDonald's U.S. franchisees are considering a national discount menu and an extensive remodeling of older stores.
September 9th 2002
McDonald's Taps Global Marketing Officer
McDonald's Corp. said on Wednesday that it has named Larry Light, a former advertising executive and branding expert, to fill the newly-created position of global chief marketing officer.
September 9th 2002
Mcdonald's to Change French Fry Oil
McDonald's Corp. has made a weighty decision: cook its famous french fries in a new oil that reduces the type of fats linked to heart disease.
September 9th 2002
McDonald's to Cut Trans-Fatty Acids in Fried Foods Served in U.S.
McDonald's said it will reduce trans-fatty acids, or TFAs, in french fries, Chicken McNuggets and other fried items on its U.S. menu by February, using an "improved" cooking oil.
September 9th 2002
Jury convicts four men in McDonald's game scam trial
Four men charged in a multimillion dollar scheme to redeem stolen McDonald's promotional game pieces were convicted Friday in federal court. A fifth man charged was acquitted.
September 9th 2002
McDonald's Japan Posts Drop in Profit Amid Mad-Cow Fears
McDonald's Holdings Co. (Japan) Ltd. Friday reported grim results for the first half ended June 30, citing lingering consumer fears over mad-cow disease.
September 9th 2002
Mcdonald's Japan Profits Slide 81 Percent
Profits slid at McDonald's Holdings Co (Japan), the nation's top restaurant chain, in the first half of 2002 after discount campaigns failed to bring back customers who stayed away due to worries over mad-cow disease.
September 9th 2002
McDonald's, Wendy's Fall on Mad Cow Case
Shares of McDonald's Corp. , YUM Brands Inc. and other U.S. fast-food chains serving beef products fell sharply in morning trade Thursday, after Canadian health officials reported that a Canadian man had died of the human strain of mad cow disease.
September 3rd 2002
McDonald's Scam Leader Testifies
The mastermind of a scheme that involved stealing valuable McDonald's monopoly game pieces testified Monday that he recruited trusted friends to help find people to redeem prize winning tickets.
September 2nd 2002
Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day, Wednesday Oct 16th - CALL FOR ACTION!
Wednesday October 16th 2002 will be the 18th annual Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day [UN World Food Day] - a protest against the promotion of junk food, the unethical targeting of children, exploitation of workers, animal cruelty, damage to the environment and the global domination of corporations over our lives.
August 28th 2002
McDonald's Hong Kong Outlets Take on Local Rivals, Serve McRice
McDonald's is trying to move in on the local culinary turf - not with burgers or fries, but with Chinese rice dishes
August 28th 2002
Leading Mexican Artist Leads Anti-McDonald's Campaign
Francisco Toledo, is leading a campaign to prevent the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in the main square of Oaxaca, a colonial city famous for its superb food
August 27th 2002
McLibel documentarist premieres lastest film on Narmada Dam
Franny Armstrong, director of 'McLibel - Two Worlds Collide', premieres her latest documentary film this week. 'Drowned Out' is the story of an Indian family who choose to stay at home and drown rather than make way for the Narmada Dam.
August 27th 2002
'It's fat, fat and more fat'
19-stone American takes four fast-food chains to court for making him obese
August 27th 2002
'It's fat, fat and more fat'
A 19-stone American man is taking four fast-food chains to court for making him obese.
August 24th 2002
New from McDonald's: the McAfrika burger (don't tell the 12m starving)
McDonald's has been accused of extreme insensitivity after releasing a new sandwich called the "McAfrika" in Norway
August 23rd 2002
McDonald's Japan Profits Slide 81 Percent
McD suffer consequences of virtually giving away burgers in failed attempt to woo back mad cow disease worried Japanese
August 23rd 2002
Steel & Morris vs UK:
Applicants' Letter to European Court
August 20th 2002
McDonald's Paycheck has Foreign Student Fed
Foreign recruits used and abused by McDonald's.
August 20th 2002
Being a McWorker, a McDonalds report from Germany
In order to struggle together we need the to share information about our work and our situations. After 'What is McDonalds' comes a report of daily life from my experience of working in a German McDonalds, 2002.
August 5th 2002
Belarusian authorities close off biggest McDonald's amid lease dispute
Belarusian authorities closed off the capital's biggest McDonald's on Friday in what the restaurant chain and the U.S. Embassy called a violation of investors' rights.
August 5th 2002
Unicef bought by lure of McDonald's millions
UN's children's health and welfare charity (Unicef) endorses McDonald's World Children's Day event in return for millions of dollars through burger sales and box collections
August 5th 2002
Jose Bove Released From Jail
Activist farmer Jose Bove has emerged from prison thinner but smiling under his trademark moustache, after serving 40 days for ransacking a McDonald's restaurant.
July 26th 2002
McDonald's ventures into traditional foods and rattles Hong Kong restaurants.
In an attempt to squeeze out local competitors, the burger giant begins peddling rice dishes in Hong Kong.
July 26th 2002
UNICEF and McDonald's team up for fund-raising for children's charities
The U.N. Children's Fund and McDonald's on Friday announced an expansion of the famous "trick or treat for UNICEF campaign.
July 26th 2002
Damned the 'worst junk foods'.
A jury of 800 parents highlight the worst examples of unhealthy products in the first-ever Children's food awards.
July 19th 2002
Fremont to put limits on drive-through eateries
Local California Council gets tougher on drive-through restaurants.
July 10th 2002
Five years later... buy McLibel film online
The award-winning, legal department-busting McLibel documentary can finally be ordered online at CultureShop.org
July 9th 2002
US Fast Food Industry Faces Lawsuits
Should the fast food industry be allowed to peddle high-fat, high-sugar food and drink without telling its customers it is bad for them? One U.S. law professor thinks not.
July 5th 2002
Bookshop Libel latest ...
£14 Derisory Damages in First of Bookshop Libel Cases. Moral Victory - Legal Impasse - Financial Predicament
July 2nd 2002
London Bookshops Resist Libel Threat Against Anti-Fascist Material
Urgent Solidarity Appeal - 29th June 2002
June 27th 2002
Face Value: A busy bee in the hamburger hive
If McDonald's is the Goliath of fast food, Tony Tan's Jollibee is its Filipino David
June 24th 2002
McDonald's Looks For Improved 2nd-Quarter Results as Sales Rise
McDonald's Corp. said Monday it expects second-quarter results to rise after six straight quarterly declines, helped by improvements in its European business.
June 24th 2002
Overfed, overweight, over here
A billion people around the world are now either overweight or obese, the World Heart Federation has said. The “fat epidemic” is rapidly overtaking smoking as the main cause of heart disease and stroke. The United States leads the world fatties’ league, but Britain is not far behind.
June 24th 2002
Health warning: eating can make you fat
Junk food companies in America are to warn consumers that eating too many of their products could make them fat.
June 24th 2002
McDonald's wants to find out if Hawaiians love the smell of Spam in the morning as much as they do in the afternoon and evening.
June 21st 2002
French folk hero goes to jail
José Bové, the French sheep farmer and figurehead of the world anti-globalisation movement, drove to jail on a tractor yesterday to begin a 90-day sentence for vandalising a McDonald's restaurant.
June 21st 2002
José Bové goes to prison
The French small farmers' leader and anti-globalisation campaigner José Bové went to prison in style yesterday.
June 21st 2002
Fast Food Nation: An appetite for litigation
The US lawyer John Banzhaf was the first to sue the tobacco companies in the mid-Sixties. But now he wants to prosecute the junk-food industry for making Americans obese. Has he bitten off more than he can chew?
June 21st 2002
Anti-McDrive Thru Campaigners Win City-Wide Pedestrians' Rights
Local residents who have been battling a city-center drive-thru have just seen the Toronto City Council pass a landmark Pedestrian Charter. This makes Toronto the first city in Canada to have such a document.
June 5th 2002
McDonald's Apologizes for Fry Labeling
McDonald's Corp. has agreed to donate $10 million to Hindu and other groups to settle lawsuits filed against the chain for mislabeling french fries and hash browns as vegetarian.
June 5th 2002
McDonald's to pay £6.85m to Hindu and vegetarian groups
McDonald's is to pay £6.85 million to Hindu and vegetarian groups following claims that it mislabelled french fries and hash browns as vegetarian.
June 5th 2002
'Don't eat too much of our food' warns
McDonald's in France has been testing an unusually frank marketing ploy - running adverts advising people not to eat too much of its food.
May 24th 2002
Victory for Local Residents in Bracknell!
The end to a long campaign which began in 1998 sees McD's lose the right to open a drive-thru in this former pub.
May 23rd 2002
Opposing Drive-thrus - Canadians launch Toronto Pedestrian Charter
'..even if Council doesn't pass it next week (but we expect it will) it will pass next month. And it's already being used by community groups. There's just too much support for it, from top level staff, legitimate groups, and from the community. Whatever happens, it's already growing legs.'
May 22nd 2002
Comprehensive Anti Wal-Mart Information Digest
How Wal-Mart is Remaking our World . Bullying people from your town to China, and other scandalous reports on Wal-Mart from around the world.
May 22nd 2002
What do you do when 'Big Mac' wants to Burger up your neighbourhood?
McLibel - A Case Study from Tasmania, Australia by Bob Holderness-Roddam, August 1996
May 21st 2002
Local Residents Against McDonald's in the American Midwest
Members of one community fighting against a McDonald's drive-thru share their experiences in the hope it will help others in battling McDonald's.
May 21st 2002
Want an appeal with that bylaw?
Now we know what Big Mac Attack really means.
May 21st 2002
McDonald's and Corporate Social Responsibility?
The April 14th McDonald's Report on Corporate Social Responsibility is a low water mark for the concept of sustainability and the promise of corporate social responsibility.
May 21st 2002
Cartoonist sues fast food giant McDonald's over alleged copyright infringement
A commercial artist who claims he created a new look for McDonald's promotional characters such as Ronald McDonald and Hamburglar is suing the fast food chain for alleged breach of copyright, his lawyers said Monday.
May 21st 2002
Artist takes £1m bite at McDonald's
A commercial artist who created the new look for Ronald McDonald and Ham Burglar is suing McDonald’s Restaurants in the High Court for more than £1m, alleging breach of copyright.
May 16th 2002
BBC McLibel Interview and Fast Food: A Chronology
Following the BBC food programme 'Food Junkies' aired on 10th April 2002, the following items appeared on the BBC website: 1) McLibel Interview and 2) Fast Food: a chronology
May 16th 2002
Anti-McDonald's Actions in Finland
Every spring Finnish residents celebrate McDonald's birthday with an annual protest. Here's the report of this year's events.
May 14th 2002
'There's one Jack Greenberg and one and a half million of us'
MWR call to action for Global Day of Action 2002. If you work at McD you NEED to read this! As MWR say: 'Organise, take action, you are McDonalds Workers Resistance!'
May 14th 2002
Japan braces for fourth mad cow case
More bad news for McD as BSE continues to haunt Japan. Food safety groups say it is no surprise.
May 8th 2002
Toronto Neighborhood Opposes Drive-thru
In launching an appeal of a recently passed city bylaw banning drive-throughs on St. Clair Ave. W., McDonald's has turned against the communities it serves.
May 7th 2002
"We're a live-in community, not a drive-thru!"
Local residents in Humewood, Canada demand a halt to the proliferation of drive-throughs in their inner city.
May 7th 2002
McDonald's 'to offer web access'
Japanese McD stores to provide web access - wonder what screensaver they'll use - wonder could we run a workshop from a store?
April 26th 2002
McDonalds nears settling vegetarians' lawsuit
McDonald's Corp. is close to settling lawsuits filed by several vegetarians last year who accused the burger chain of deliberately concealing the use of beef extract in its French fries.
April 26th 2002
For more than two weeks protests against the building of a McDonald's restaurant are going on in the historical center of the city of Voronezh.
April 26th 2002
McDonald's-Fazoli's Venture Continues Several Trends
McDonald's Corp.'s intention to partner with "fast-casual" Italian restaurant chain Fazoli's continues three trends.
April 25th 2002
18 month profit decline continues
Criticism reigns supreme from Wall Street and the question arises: when we see health warnings associated with McJunk food?
April 23rd 2002
The Alternative Crew Handbook
MWR publish 'the document they do NOT want you to read' - with such helpful tips as how to get paid your full wage, knowing your rights, alternative recipes and the ever helpful 'Ten things to do in McDonalds when it's dead' ... Hmmm still hungry?
April 16th 2002
McDonald's Japan To Drastically Cut Shop Openings This Year
McDonald's Co . (Japan) Ltd. will significantly reduce store openings this year, as a result of large-scale reorganizations occurring in the Japanese retail sector, a company spokesman said Tuesday.
April 15th 2002
McDonald's responds to anti-capitalist grilling
World stunned in amazement and shock as Jack Greenberg (CEO of McDs) says: "We know we are not perfect." The world will obviously be a better and safer place now ...
April 11th 2002
McDonald's Not Fit For Hospital Food
McDonalds has been struck off the menu at The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown, Sydney, Australia
April 9th 2002
WATCH THIS! BBC to screen series on fast food
BBC Two (UK), Wed 10 Apr, 21:00 - 21:50Couch Potatoes: Part 1 of a 3 part TV series. Looking at the changing eatinghabits over the last 40 years. Charting the power of the fast foodindustry... and something in your burger that may make the vegetarian option suddenly very appealing. Featuring McDonald's and the McLibel case, including interviews with our favourite duo.
April 8th 2002
McDonald's Subvert
Subvertisement of McDonald's 40,312 possible combinations advert.
April 8th 2002
Man pleads guilty to masterminding McDonald's prize scam worth $24 million
The man who masterminded the theft of $24 million in winning McDonald's game tickets pleaded guilty Friday and was ordered to repay at least $13.4 million.
April 8th 2002
McDonald's Chairman Greenberg's '01 Bonus Unchanged At $1.2 Million
McDonald's Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Jack Greenberg received a 2001 bonus of $1.2 million, unchanged from the previous year.
April 8th 2002
Decision on Radical Farmer Delayed
A judge delayed a decision Friday on whether French farmer Jose Bove must serve prison time for ransacking a McDonald's restaurant in a protest against U.S.-driven globalization.
April 8th 2002
McDonald's Holders To Vote On Global Animal-Rights Standards
McDonald's Corp. shareholders will vote on whether to implement global animal-welfare standards after the fast-food chain couldn't keep the issue off its upcoming proxy ballot.
April 8th 2002
Guatemala says three U.S. fast food chains owe millions in back taxes
Guatemala has accused three U.S. fast food chains of tax evasion and may force them to close some of their restaurants.
April 8th 2002
McDonald's Japan suspends Chicken
McDonald's has suspended sales of its popular Chicken McNuggets at nearly all outlets in Japan following the outbreak of a fowl epidemic in some parts of the United States.
April 5th 2002
McDonald's Calls Indonesia Incident A 'Misunderstanding'
McDonald's Corp. said late Tuesday a police summons of its Indonesia licensee for a questionable loan was based on a "misunderstanding."
April 4th 2002
McDonald's to Begin Importing Beef
McDonald's is joining Burger King, Wendy's and other fast-food chains in buying beef from overseas, citing a shortage of the U.S. meat that's lean enough to make their burgers.
April 4th 2002
Enjoy a Big Mac - courtesy of NZ
In a breakthrough deal akin to selling coals to Newcastle, New Zealand beef exporters have gained their first foothold at the home of hamburgers - McDonald's in the United States.
April 4th 2002
MWR Monthly Bulletin, March 2002
Another hilariously funny update from the gang in Glasgow
March 30th 2002
McLibel 'PR Triumph'
Historic success of McLibel case and campaign recognised by PR industry
March 25th 2002
McDonald's Shares Experience Biggest Drop Since Oct 2001
'Weak currencies added to McD's long list of reasons why they are doing so badly.
March 25th 2002
Reasons why McD are doing badly: BSE, e-coli, foot-n-mouth and ... 'weak currencies'
As McD share price drops to half 1999 value McD try to blame 'weak currency rates'
March 22nd 2002
McLibel Defendant N. American Tour - Report and photos from Houston (external link)
On Saturday, March 16, Houston people joined McLibel defendant Dave Morris to express their disgust with McDonald's conditions for workers, animal cruelty, lies about the "nutrional value" of their food and overall corporate meglomania.
March 20th 2002
Ukrainians Protest against McDonald's
Thousands turned out in Kharkov in February to protest against a new McDonald's in their city center, successfully stopping the store from opening.
March 18th 2002
Fifth straight fall in quarterly earnings at McDonald's
Full-year net earnings fall 17% as Greenberg calls 2001 the most challenging year in the company's history.
March 18th 2002
McDonald's Japan steps on the brakes
McDonald's to scale back its ambitions in Japan as chairman resigns amid poor performance
March 8th 2002
McLibel Defendant on Speaking Tour in N. America, March 8th to 19th.
McLibel Defendant Dave Morris has been invited over to North America for a number of events and talks from March 8th to 19th. We publish here a Statement from him about the trip. This is his planned Schedule.
March 8th 2002
Anti-McDonald's Campaign Global Update, Feb 2002
17th Annual World Anti-McDonald's Day, McReputation Continues to Plummet, Communities Fight Back, Solidarity with McDonald's Workers, Challenging McPropaganda, and much more ...
March 8th 2002
McLibel Legal Update
Case Against the British Government Is Still Before the European Court of Human Rights
March 8th 2002
How Hasbro, McDonald's, Mattel and Disney Manufacture Their Toys
The full text of this 134 page report is now available on McSpotlight, exposing the scandal of exploitation of workers in China producing toys for McDonald's Happy Meals.
March 6th 2002
McDonald's sued over drinks
Dozens of victims of scalding are suing McDonald's over the high temperature the fast-food chain serves its hot drinks.
March 6th 2002
McWorld on Trial by Dave Morris & Helen Steel
McDonald’s and the Growing Global Anti-McDonald’s Campaign + D.I.Y. Justice - The McLibel Battle
March 6th 2002
Philippines McDonald's Franchise Put on Hold
Construction of a McDonald's in the compound of historic Balayan Church in Batangas has been put on hold thanks to environmental activists and concerned parishioners.
March 6th 2002
Glasgow MWR, Monthly Bulletin, Feb 2002
An update from the McDonald's Workers Resistance group in Glasgow. News, humour and loads of enthusiasm!
March 5th 2002
McDonald's sued over hot drinks
The fast-food giant McDonald's was taken to court yesterday by dozens of people who claim to have been scalded by their hot drinks.
March 5th 2002
30 McDonald's Golden Arches to be Removed in Beijing's Cleaning Drive
The big "M", the eye-catching yellow sign outside many McDonald's restaurants in Beijing, will soon disappear.
March 4th 2002
McLibel Defendant Trip To North America - radio interview
Dave Morris has been invited over to North America for a number of events and talks in March. This is his Schedule, as currently planned.
February 22nd 2002
McDonald's Faulty Advertising - HOW YOU CAN HELP
A new McDonald's poster in the UK claims that people can buy 40,312 combinations of eight products. Well, they got their maths wrong and McSpotlight thinks they should be made to say sorry!
February 20th 2002
McDonald's sells after £20m latte loss
McDonald's has called time on its disastrous foray into coffee bars by selling most of the Aroma chain to Caffe Nero after losing more than £20m on the venture in three years.
February 19th 2002
Hong Kong Report Exposes the Scandal of Exploitation of Workers in China Producing Toys for McDonald's, Hasbro, Mattel and Disney
Serious health and safety violations and abuse of labour rights are occurring in factories contracted by McDonald's to produce toys for Happy Meals. This report reveals how most workers have never heard about 'codes of conduct' and have a poor understanding of their legal rights and occupational hazards.
February 15th 2002
McDonald's Paris: Striking, Occupying and Winning
Since October McDonalds workers in Paris have been on strike for the reinstatement of five of their colleagues, who were accused of theft by the bosses. It was obviously a coincidence that the five workers sacked were candidates for the 'elections professionnelles', a kind of works council. A support committee was quickly formed to help the young strikers...
February 12th 2002
McDonald's Manager sentenced For Beating Customer
A McDonald's manager was sentenced to 36 months probation for spitting on, and beating a customer with a phone.
February 8th 2002
McDonald's acquires outlets in Uruguay
McDonald's Corp., the world's largest restaurant company, has purchased all 32 of its restaurants in Uruguay for an undisclosed sum from the franchisee that previously controlled them.
February 8th 2002
French Activist Gets Jail for McDonald's Attack
France's highest court upheld on Wednesday a three-month jail sentence for anti-globalization activist Jose Bove.
February 1st 2002
FoE Lithuania start a campaign against McDonald's
Lithuanian Green Movement/Friends of the Earth Lithuania have started a campaign against McDonald's
January 30th 2002
Slowing down a fast-food chain
The residents of Humewood don't mind McDonald's clogging their arteries, but they draw the line at clogging their streets.
January 28th 2002
McDonald's 4th Quarter Earnings Down 40%
McDonald's Corp. earnings tumbled 40 percent in the fourth quarter, a fifth straight decline that the fast-food chain blamed on the global recession and a lingering mad cow disease scare overseas.
January 23rd 2002
McDonald's Names New President
McDonald's Corp. Names Jim Skinner as New President, COO of Worldwide
January 23rd 2002
How Ronald Got Le Boot
In France, Ronald McDonald is replaced by Asterix on Wednesday. But will this new trend for "acting local" appease the anti-globalisation protesters?
January 23rd 2002
McDonald's Likely to Post Flat Results
McDonald's Corp. Chief Executive admits "the most challenging year" in the company's history, as shares fall 40%.
January 22nd 2002
Strike at McDonald's in Paris
Struggling at the French-Fries-Front. On the Strike at McDonald's in Paris...
January 22nd 2002
Ministers to Stop Sponsor Deal for Rebuilt Wembley (excerpt)
Ministers are preparing to block any attempt by the Football Association (FA) to name the new Wembley stadium after a potential sponsor such as McDonald's.
January 22nd 2002
McDonald's in China Faces Fine Over Snoopy Promotion
McDonald's outlets in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou could face fines after a Snoopy doll promotion which turned violent, the Xinhua news agency said on Thursday.
January 22nd 2002
McDonald's kills hedgehogs
US fast food chain McDonald's was facing a prickly public relations situation on Tuesday over accusations from a British animal welfare group that its ice-cream cartons have caused the deaths of scores of hedgehogs.
January 15th 2002
French Farmer Jose Bove Sentenced to Jail
A judge sentenced militant French farmer Jose Bove to six months in jail Thursday, but not until riot police fired tear gas to force more than 100 of his supporters from the courthouse.
January 15th 2002
More McDonald's Cruelty to Animals!
McDonald's was criticised yesterday for refusing to change the design of ice-cream cartons to protect hedgehogs who have been found trapped and dying inside them.
December 17th 2001
Hawaii - Planners OK Haleiwa drive-throughs
A pedestrian-friendly town is threatened by McDonald's drive-thru's.
December 17th 2001
Mcdonalds Profits Down Again
McDonald's Corp. announced Friday that it expected profits to sink in the fourth quarter compared with a year ago - its fifth consecutive year-on-year quarterly decline.
December 10th 2001
Brazil Franchisees Sue McDonald's
Brazil's Golden Arches Tarnished As Franchisees Sue McDonald's
December 10th 2001
More Indictments in McDonald's
Eighteen more people have been indicted on conspiracy charges in the $20 million scam of McDonald's promotional games
December 7th 2001
What's Eating Big Mac?
Everybody knows what McDonald's stands for - burgers, fries, chicken McNuggets and seemingly pointless and exorbitant court cases in defence of its globally omnipresent brand.
December 7th 2001
Third mad cow case hits Japan's beef, dairy shares
A third case of mad cow disease in Japan dealt another blow to Japan's struggling beef industry on Monday, triggering a steep slide in the price of beef-related shares, dealers said.
December 5th 2001
For ten years McDonald's has terrorised a chinese takeaway.
Once a bully always a bully. McDonald's clearly learnt nothing from their bruising encounter with Helen Steel and Dave Morris, the McLibel co-defendants.
December 4th 2001
Retiring McDonald's Exec to Sell Shares
James Cantalupo, who will retire next spring as vice chairman and president of McDonald's Corp., plans to sell 50,000 common shares of the fast food giant, a regulatory filing on Wednesday said.
November 29th 2001
Court Rules for London Restaurateur
A Chinese restaurateur won his battle Tuesday to call a chain of fast-food restaurants McChina, despite claims by McDonald's that the name infringed on its trademarks.
November 29th 2001
McDonald's E.Coli poisoning in Argentina has led locals to start a campaign against the company.
Following confirmation of E. coli contamination in McDonald's chicken burgers and beef burgers in Buenos Aires, and similar contamination in Santiago, Chile, some local people are fighting back.
November 28th 2001
Chinese Nugget Beats Big Mac
McDonald's was accused by a High Court judge yesterday of greedily wanting to gobble up all the little Macs and Mcs.
November 26th 2001
'Disgrace' of UK's factory chicken farms - McDonald's continuing cruelty to animals exposed
Two Independent articles: The first exposes the outrageous conditions for UK factory farmed chickens raised for McDonald's and the meat industry generally. The second is about the banning of an informative TV advert about these very conditions: described by the commentator as 'the most pressing animal welfare issue in Britain'.
November 21st 2001
Argentina Seeks Fines for McDonald's Over E.Coli
Health officials in Argentina's capital are asking a court to fine McDonald's Corp. up to $500,000 after tests showed beef and chicken burgers at four restaurants were tainted with potentially deadly E.coli bacteria
November 19th 2001
Indian Officials: No Beef Fat in McDonald's Fries
Bombay municipal authorities on Monday said that tests had found the French fries made by fast
November 19th 2001
Ottawa Protestors Smash Windows of McDonald's
Anti-capitalism demonstrators, marching under banners that said "Smash the state", taunted police and attacked a McDonald's restaurant in the Canadian capital Ottawa on Friday.
November 9th 2001
McDonalds Workers in Russia Organise and set up Web site
Report of Oct. 16th Anti-McDonald's Day Demonstrations in Moscow, and news of a new Russian film and Web site
November 9th 2001
McDonald's Japan Facing 'our biggest crisis ever in our history'
Head of McD Japan warns of crisis as profits slump by 10 billion Yen - as BSE scare envelops Japan
November 7th 2001
Who Ate All the Burgers
For decades, we've been living in a fast-food world. Suddenly, everywhere you look, there's McTrouble. Could it be that we're finally overcoming our addiction to saturated fat and cardboard chips?
November 7th 2001
In Bed with McDonald's
March 2001 Times article takes a look at McDonald's latest attempt at expansion - the first 'McHotel' in Zurich, Switzerland. Blechh!
November 5th 2001
No Smiles for McDonald's Customers
McDonald's expanded to please Wall Street and not is customers. James Cramer advises avoiding McDonald's stock
November 5th 2001
McDonald's Warns on 2002 Profits
McDonald's Corp. stock fell nearly 6 percent Monday after the world's biggest restaurant company scaled back its earnings estimate for next year.
November 5th 2001
McDonald's sees signs of recovery in Europe
McDonald's, the world's biggest burger chain, said on Thursday that third quarter earnings slipped one per cent, coming in at the lower end of expectations, despite improving sales in Europe as consumer concerns about the safety of European beef continue to wane.
November 2nd 2001
Jury Forces McDonald's To Pay $5m After Discrimination Against Employee
$5,000,000 unanimous jury verdict against McDonald's awarded to former manager in HIV discrimination suit
October 31st 2001
Town Scuppers New McDonald's Plan
Local Residents are on a roll with yet another victory! Campaigners in south east Wales are celebrating after defeating McDonald's in a planning dispute.
October 30th 2001
The Corporate Left
It isn't just New Labour that has been sponsored by McDonald's. The New Statesman - that journal of the old radical left from decades past - is the latest reputable institution to fall under the spell of junk-food sponsorship.
October 30th 2001
Big McNo To McDonalds!
Local Residents in the New Forest, England are celebrating victory after defeating a McDonald's drive-thru in Dibden Purlieu.
October 24th 2001
Oct 16th Reports From Around The World
The 17th International Anti-McD Day on Oct 16th saw protests and pickets from New Zealand to Brazil to the Phillipines and on up to Finland - we've even got some pictures to prove it! You now can read the best of these that we have so far collated ...
October 22nd 2001
Another McDonald's advert that misses the mark.
The latest McDonalds TV campaign raises an issue the burger giant might be better advised to avoid.
October 22nd 2001
Ronald Bites the Dust!
Local Hawthorne residents celebrate victory as McDonald's backs down in its attempt to open a drive-thru in Portland, Oregon.
October 19th 2001
An Urgent Appeal to Civil Rights And Environmental Groups
A Group of Neighbors Living Next to a Toxic McDonald's Construction Site in Pennsylvania Desperately Seek Help from Environmental, Civil Rights and Legal Aid Groups
October 17th 2001
McDonald's Workers Resistance (MWR) Call For Action
On October 16th 2001 (Worlwide Anti-McDonald's Day) McDonald's Workers Resistance call for a Day of Action against the store on OCTOBER 16th 2002.
October 17th 2001
Watch this space: Oct 16th Worldwide Anti-McD reports on their way
We are compiling reports of pickets and protests from yesterday (from Adelaide, Australia to Kendal, UK). If you have one make sure to send it in: campaigns@mclibel.org - you could win a copy of Eric Schlosser's 'Fast Food Nation'. Hmmm tasty.
October 17th 2001
UK local residents celebrate Anti-McDonald's Day with victory
McD's pulls out of attempts to open stores in New Forest and High Wycombe. More on this and other residents campaigns soon.
October 16th 2001
South American E.coli outbreak spreads to Chile
New outbreak sees store closed in Santiago after 4 stores closed in Buenos Aires, Argentina
October 15th 2001
The Workers Fightback
The Workers Resistance Against McDonald's (WRAM) aims for the unionisation of every McDonald's store so that McDonald's workers have the same rights as every other worker in the "free" world. Sounds fair enough wouldn't you say!?
October 15th 2001
WIN! A copy of 'Fast Food Nation'
We have 3 copies of this groundbreaking work to give away to the 3 best October 16th Anti-McDonald's Worldwide Day reports. So, keep those protest reports coming: campaigns@mclibel.org
October 15th 2001
Argentina seeks fines for McDonald's over E.coli
Health officials in Argentina's capital are asking a court to fine
October 12th 2001
International Day of Action against Mcdonalds
Tuesday October 16th will be marked by protests all around the world. Have you got your banners, drums, whistles, shakers and food to share ready yet? Remember to send us reports after the day - campaigns@mclibel.org
October 12th 2001
New CJD alert as deaths increase
Deaths from CJD have risen by 20 per cent in a year
October 5th 2001
McDonald's and New Labour: An Open Letter to UK Prime Minister Blair
With McDonald's sponsoring a reception at the New Labour party conference, the IUF has called on the Prime Minister to publicly affirm the right of McDonald's restaurant employees in the UK and internationally to be represented by a trade union.
September 27th 2001
Government Study Recommends Greater Planning Controls on Hot Food Take Aways
A new campaign is launched in the UK to change the laws that allow McDonald's to take over over pubs without planning permission. - You Can Help!
September 20th 2001
Local Residents against McDonald's - Whitehall
Planning permission sought for outdoor seating area at Whitehall McDonald's, Westminster, London
September 13th 2001
Arch Enemy
McDonald's: It's a family, it's a team. It's definitely not a union shop. Pascal McDuff found that out the hard way.
September 13th 2001
McDonald's Fire Claimed By Anti-Globalization Activists
North American A.L.F. receive an unsigned statement from activists who are claiming responsibility for the half-million dollar fire that destroyed a Tucson-area McDonald's early Saturday morning
September 10th 2001
Why not join in the struggle for a better world. It's the 17th annual Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day so why not make it a date to remember?
September 5th 2001
Are Tony and Ronald about to come-out?!
Further evidence of the corporatisation of politics as party leaders encourage Labour MPs to approach McDonald's for prizes in constituency competitions to bolster popularity.
September 5th 2001
Protest against New McLabour in Brighton
Local activists protest against New Labour's McDonalds link
September 5th 2001
Labour's prize idea to use McDonald's
Labour MPs have been advised by party leaders to approach McDonald's for prizes in constituency competitions to bolster popularity.
September 5th 2001
McDonald's Labour sponsorship sparks row
McDonald's has earned the ire of anti-capitalists
September 5th 2001
Going Backwards at the Smithsonian - McNuggets to Join Moon Rocks at Air and Space Museum
Soon the treasures of the Space Age, from moon rocks to rockets, will stand side by side with Big Macs and Happy Meals.
August 30th 2001
Mac man sacked after racial taunt
A McDonald's worker claims he was fired after retaliating to racial abuse from an irate customer.
August 30th 2001
Forget New Labour it's now McLabour
Tony Blair last night triggered a potentially damaging row over Labour's increasingly close links with big corporations after it emerged that he is to attend a £15,000 reception at the party's annual conference paid for by the burger chain McDonald's
August 28th 2001
McDonald's Faces Host of Profit
The hamburgers are supposed to be served quickly at McDonald's Corp., but change itself may be coming too slowly at the company that launched the fast-food industry.
August 28th 2001
Argentina Shuts McDonald's Outlets
Argentine health authorities ordered the closure of four McDonald's (NYSE:MCD - news) fast food outlets in downtown Buenos Aires on Monday after potentially harmful bacteria was found in chicken burgers, officials said.
August 28th 2001
Coffee to go: McDonald's tires of Aroma
The US fast-food group McDonald's appears to have turned up its nose at
August 22nd 2001
Ronald caught up in promotional game swindle
McDonald's customers had no fair chance of winning
August 21st 2001
Community Outrage Against McDonald's Site Toxic Dust
Neighbors finally receive soil report after 9 months of breathing dust from toxic soil removal
August 17th 2001
McDonald's Pulls Ads Off WTIC-AM After Criticism
McDonald's has pulled its radio ads from WTIC-AM after talk-show host Colin McEnroe criticized a company visit to Stonington High School.
August 17th 2001
Forced Apology Sparks Debate
The public punishment of a 15-year-old student has left the school system in the middle of a debate over what constitutes free speech - and what is acceptable high school behavior.
August 15th 2001
McDonald's Tries to Diffuse Meaty Fries Row
Company expands info on U.S. menu ingredients
August 15th 2001
The fries that just won't go away
Feel aggrieved about the beefy fries scandal? You can now join the class action against McDonald's (external link).
August 15th 2001
French protesters lift blockade on McDonald's restaurant
Anti-globalisation protesters have decided to end their blockade of a McDonald's fast food restaurant in southwest France upon the suggestion of radical French farmer leader José Bové.
August 14th 2001
French Farmer José Bové Leads New McDonald's Protest
Militant farmer Jose Bove and two thousand supporters returned Sunday to the same McDonald's restaurant he helped dismantle two years ago
August 13th 2001
Bové relishes a second bite
France's favourite food campaigner is back at his most famous battleground
August 13th 2001
The little man from the Massif Central brings his battle to Britain
Late last night, as far as one could tell, all the branches of McDonald's in London were still intact, and José Bové had been in the capital for more than 24 hours.
August 6th 2001
McSchool: how good burghers raise funds
Hamburger chain McDonald's has gained a strong foothold in State schools by offering cheap cheeseburgers, school deliveries and a cut of profits to parents and citizens' associations that send diners to its outlets.
August 3rd 2001
Chips Are Down For McDonald's
Significant fall in profits, customers leaving in droves and talk of closures - what's happening to the House of Ronald?
August 3rd 2001
Japanese McD stores used for election propaganda
3,700 McDonald's stores used to promote former member of staff standing in Sunday's parliamentary election
August 2nd 2001
McDonald's profits slump amid food scares
McDonald's has shown how CJD and the foot-and-mouth crisis has hit home as the fast food chain unveiled a slump in second-quarter profits.
August 1st 2001
McDonald's fined over children's long hours
... and yet more on the Camberley, Surrey child exploitation case.
August 1st 2001
McDonald's exploited child labour
More on the Camberley, Surrey child exploitation case.
August 1st 2001
Two McDonald's restaurants have been heavily fined for exploiting child workers.
Two McDonald's restaurants in one of Britain's wealthiest areas have been
July 26th 2001
McDonald's may close 250 restaurants as profits fall
McDonald's is considering whether to close 250 poorly performing restaurants, the fast food chain said on Tuesday
July 19th 2001
Montreal McD outlets on high alert
Seven McDonald's restaurants in and around Montreal (Canada) were vandalized in simultaneous attacks this month
July 19th 2001
Hare Krishnas Fight McDonald's Plan
Members of a Hare Krishna temple are fighting a proposed McDonald's restaurant nearby, saying it would foul the air with the smell of meat
July 19th 2001
A detective, a writer, a childhood home and a shopping centre
McD's set to appeal against fast-food outlet ruling next to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle house
July 19th 2001
Customers turning away in droves
McD's low wage policy results in substandard service and $750m in lost sales each year
July 19th 2001
Too much pepper
McDonald's branded racist at tribunal
July 18th 2001
McD ads deemed offensive
McDonald's adverts stereotype people by their ethnic origin, sex or ability and have been branded offensive.
July 18th 2001
"Would you like a Trademark with that sir?" (TM)
At the last count McDonald's had 131 trademarks from the weird to the worrying
July 18th 2001
The new gods
Brands are hugely influential - and they're worth millions. They don't just sell a product or a service anymore: they sell a set of values, a philosophy, a meaning for life
July 17th 2001
Big Business drools over Beijing prospects
McDonald's to make a mint in China from Olympic Games
July 17th 2001
McDonald's customers question service quality
Poor sales and customer discontent put McDonald's into the analysts spotlight - and the message is service must improve or they will slip
July 10th 2001
McDonald's outlets attacked in Montreal
A series of attacks against a fast-food chain in Montreal left police baffled Saturday.
July 6th 2001
Banging on at McD's in Bangor
About 30 campaigners congregated outside McDonald's in Bangor in June - farmers, locals, Welsh language campaigners, FOE Cymru and Gwynedd and Mon EF!ers. Customers were leafleted and campaigners played music, gave away free welshcakes and gave rousing speeches. The demo was not only anti-Mcdonalds but proactively in favour of local production as the alternative.
July 4th 2001
Hindu zealots throw cow dung at McDonald's
More on the beef-fat fries can of worms for McDonald's
July 4th 2001
Happy Corporate Day USA
To mark the USA's birthday July 4th, 50 Corporate America flags will be hoisted in over 200 cities across the US and around the world, raising the question: What counts as independence in a world where nations have become subservient to corporations?
July 4th 2001
Ronald comes under fire from Turkish students
"McDonald's is symbol, a symbol of imperialism. And it is this system that causes Turkey, like many other countries in the world, to become every lasting day more dependent and poorer."
June 29th 2001
Taking Aim At the Brand Bullies
Naomi Klein's bestselling book 'No Logo' gave a huge kick up the corporate backside. Read the full chapter on McLibel and McSpotlight here.
June 27th 2001
Now, Texas Hindus file suit against McDonald’s
AFTER Seattle vegetarians, it is now the turn of Texas Hindus to charge fast food giant McDonald’s with deceptive trade practices
June 27th 2001
Woman says burger has put her life on hold
She ate a McDonald's cheeseburger possibly contaminated by human blood. Now she may sue, and awaits a clean bill of health.
June 27th 2001
Vegetarians, Surprise in
As an observant Hindu, Brij Sharma considers cows sacred. He believes the gentle
June 27th 2001
Protest McDonald's Beefy Fries
Vegetarian Legal Action Network launches 'VeggieFries' Web site to protest at McDonald's beefy fries cover-up.
June 22nd 2001
Ukraine Bans McDonald's Russian Beef
McDonald's processing plant named by Ukraine government as potential source of BSE
June 21st 2001
McDonald's grilled over 'veggie fries'
More coverage of McDonald's apology for putting beef in its fries
June 21st 2001
Bove loses McDonald's raid appeal
A French appeals court has upheld a three-month prison sentence imposed on radical farmer Jose Bove for ransacking a McDonald's restaurant.
June 21st 2001
Mobile Junk
Will you be paying by cash, cheque, credit card or mobile phone madam?
June 14th 2001
McLibel News Update
European McLibel case against British government; McLibel legal work disrupted; Protests against McDonald's continue to spread: Various store protests, McDonald's workers organise and fight back, Vegetarian Uproar vs McDonald's in USA and India
June 6th 2001
McLibel by David J. Wolfson - published in the Animal Law Journal
Mr. Wolfson discusses the background and holding of the English "McLibel" case in relation to cruel common farming practices, its unique legal context, and the impact of the holding on animal law in general and state anti-cruelty laws in the United States.
June 6th 2001
McDonald's Apologizes for Fries
McDonald's has issued an apology for confusion surrounding the beef flavoring in its U.S. french fries, a practice that prompted a lawsuit this month by some Hindus and vegetarians.
June 6th 2001
Lawsuit says McDonald's Uses Beef Fat in French Fries
McDonald's has been accused in a
May 17th 2001
McLibel Eviction Crisis - International Support Sought NOW
Defendant Dave Morris and his son Charlie, along with the McLibel legal office in their home are facing an outrageous eviction threat in middle of McLibel Euro-case. Please send immediate messages of protest.
May 9th 2001
Macca threatens to boycott Evans's show over Big Mac ads
Sir Paul McCartney is refusing to be a guest on Chris Evans's Virgin
May 9th 2001
McDonald's looks to gather steam with coffee bar
McDonald's customers had their choice of a slice of tiramisu, a cappuccino ...
May 9th 2001
Hindu Group Vandalizes McDonald's
A Hindu fundamentalist group on Friday vandalized a McDonald's restaurant in a Bombay suburb to protest against the alleged use of beef flavoring in the chain's French fries
April 23rd 2001
The Bitter Truth About Fast Food
It's no good denying it: people like fast food because it can taste pretty good. But what they may not know about is the cocktail of chemicals ...
April 23rd 2001
Planet Mac
Tomorrow the golden arches will light up over branches in Brazil, Greece, India and the US. Will Ronald McDonald be welcomed as
April 20th 2001
McDonald's Workers Resistance (MWR) Campaign Update
A message of solidarity to all McDonald's workers to unite to fight back against the company.
April 12th 2001
Where's the Beef? It's in Your French Fries
There's no denying it: McDonald's admits to using beef flavoring in its french fries.
April 12th 2001
Report Of Ad Campaign Cancelation
Fast-food multinational McDonald's (MCD) U.K. office said
April 10th 2001
McDonald's Executive Got Smaller Bonuses Last Year
Bonuses for McDonald's Corp. (MCD) top management
April 10th 2001
McDonald's Holders Seek Votes On China, Exec Pay
McDonald's Corp. (MCD) shareholders
April 6th 2001
Burger King to audit animal treatment
No. 2 U.S. fast food group Burger King Corp., facing mounting pressure
April 6th 2001
Appetites Waning for McDonald's
McDonald's Corp. traditionally has been viewed by investors as a safe haven stock that could weather economic downturns. But no more.
April 3rd 2001
McDonald's and Vegetarianism - Same Old Exploitation
McLibel Support Campaign Statement
April 3rd 2001
No Logo - Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies by Naomi Klein
Everything you need to know about Naomi Klein and her phenomenal new book No Logo is now available on McSpotlight. (The book contains an extensive section on the McLibel Trial.)
April 3rd 2001
Protesters Hurl Stink Bombs at Paris McDonalds
Activists said they hurled stink bombs at some 20 McDonalds restaurants in Paris on Saturday then took part in a demonstration against what they called the "nauseous practices" of fast-food giants.
April 3rd 2001
Disaster Of The Day: McDonald's
For years McDonald's has had to struggle with Mad Cow disease in the U.K., which was bad enough. Now the health hazard and public-relations disaster has spread to the Continent.
April 3rd 2001
Mine's a McLatte
They started with a £17,000 loan and a name borrowed from a boarded-up shop. Now the college friends who founded Pret a Manger have global ambitions - and £25 million from Ronald McDonald.
April 3rd 2001
Possible Italy Mad Cow Case Tied To McDonald's Supplier
A public relations nightmare may be brewing for McDonald's Italia
April 1st 2001
A new container for the Big Mac
McD to use potatoes to wrap their Big Macs
April 1st 2001
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
The Dark Side of the All-American Meal A groundbreaking work of investigation and cultural history that may change the way America thinks about the way it eats.
April 1st 2001
Bleedin' el
Here we go ...
March 31st 2001
Italian Protesters Beef About Hamburgers
Riot police were mobilised on Monday to protect McDonald's restaurants
March 31st 2001
Council Wants Big Mac to Chip In For Rubbish Costs
The Waitakere City Council wants the hamburger chain, McDonald's, to
March 31st 2001
France's Farm Crusader Jailed
French anti-globalisation campaigner Jose Bove has been sentenced to three months in prison for his attack on a McDonald's restaurant in August 1999.
March 31st 2001
No accounting for taste
Why fast-food toys are fast becoming collectors' items
March 31st 2001
Murder King
PETA's Month of Action Campaign Against BURGER KING
March 31st 2001
McDonald's in Russia
McDonald's the testing ground for Russia's new unionists
March 31st 2001
Corporations: Different Than You and Me
Corporations are fundamentally different than you and me.
March 31st 2001
Animal slaughter signs taken off L
Dozens of signs that describe the slaughter of farm animals in sometimes graphic and profane terms were discovered on L trains in recent days and have been removed, CTA officials said Thursday.
March 31st 2001
Will mad cows kill the Big Mac?
With strict safety measures and new menu options, McDonald's is acting fast to stem losses from disease in Europe, and bracing for a beef scare in the U.S.
March 31st 2001
Double Room with Fries - the first 'McHotel' opens in Zurich
Double Room with Fries - the first 'McHotel' opens in Zurich
February 16th 2001
McDonald's UK Workers Fight Back
McDonald's Workers Resistance, a group run entirely by McDonald'sworkers, launches its new magazine 'McSues' - a satire on the company propaganda magazine 'McNews'.
February 16th 2001
Legal Intimidation and McDonald's
Excellent case-by-case analysis of McDonald's willingness to resort tolegal intimidation and the McLibel Trial by Fiona Donson in FreeAssociation Books.
December 11th 2000
McLibel: A Case Study in English Defamation Law
by Marlene Arnold Nicholson in Wisconsin International Law Journal. (145 Page PDF document.)
November 29th 2000
Corporate Giant Forced to Retreat
McSpotlight used as example of why corporations can't sue for libel on the web.
November 29th 2000
Life After McLibel
Guardian interview with Helen and Dave following their victory against the police.
November 29th 2000
Hand-To-Brand Combat
Excellent feature article on Naomi Klein and her 'No Logo' phenomenon
November 29th 2000
McLibel 2's Letter to the Editor
"Your story on anti-McDonald's demonstrations (Protesters try to halt rise of fast-food giant in Italy, October 17) gives a taste of the growing global opposition to the c
November 29th 2000
Protesters try to halt rise of fast-food giant in Italy
Riot police were mobilised on October 16th to protect McDonald's restaurants as thousands of demonstrators in 20 Italian cities declared war on the fast-food chain.
October 12th 2000
On October 12th, the anniversary of the death of crew member Mark Hopkins, we - and a group of UK mcworkers - call for support for company workers.
October 5th 2000
Stop The Expoitation Of McToy Workers In China
A campaign, launched in Hong Kong to expose the exploitation of those in China labouring to make 'Happy Meal' toys is calling for global protests for October 14-16th
September 24th 2000
The Oct 16th Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day Protests, residents campaigns, legal update, and challenging McExploitation and McPropaganda
September 20th 2000
Today, ten years to the day on which the McDonald's Corporation served libel writs on Helen Steel (35) and Dave Morris (46), the McLibel 2 have lodged an application to take the U.K. Government to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
September 1st 2000
McDonald's sued over 'too hot' drinks
Court action against the fast food chain McDonald's by customers who claim they were burned by the restaurant's hot drinks begins on Wednesday.
September 1st 2000
Happy hen, happy meal - McDonald's chicks fix
McDonald's is demanding that its egg suppliers improve the living conditions of their chickens. The gesture of goodwill did not come without a few nudges.
July 5th 2000
6 years after the McLibel trial started on 28th June 1994, the High Court has sealed an out of court settlement order in a separate case brought by the McLibel 2
July 4th 2000
McParadox: Europeans love protesting against McDonald’s—almost as much as they enjoy eating there.
Millau, a small town in the south of France, was host last weekend to an anti-globalization fest billed as a “Seattle-sur-Tarn.”
June 27th 2000
McDonald's and Globalisation On Trial In France
McDonalds and capitalist globalisation are on trial in France as 11 members of the Confederation of Small Farmers are accused of destroying a McDonald's store
June 19th 2000
The Cheeseburger Debate: McDonald's and the Israeli Sabbath
Omri Padan, the owner of the McDonald's franchise in Israel, has been fined 80,000 shekels for employing Jewish youth on the Sabbath. Workers' rights or religious coercion? Big debate on the Israeli Culture website.
June 18th 2000
McDonald's 'cannibalism' case comes to court
The case of dual McDonald's franchisee is scheduled to begin in the Supreme Court of Victoria
June 17th 2000
Residents defeat McDonald's after mammoth 552-day occupation
Celebrations in Hinchley Wood, Surrey, UK this week as local residents stop McDonald's building restaurant in local pub
June 5th 2000
McDonald's "surely faces decline" in new century
In-depth analysis of McDonald's survival chances, from New Statesman magazine
June 1st 2000
Adbusters takes on The Real Thing
Coca-cola is one of the world's worst commercial HFC global warming polluters. Adbusters' new website launches today - www.cokespotlight.org. love the name.
May 21st 2000
This year's McDonald's AGM saw a controversial debate about imperialism and protests between a shareholder from the US McLibel Support Campaign and McDonald's chief Jack Greenberg. Includes report by the Financial Times.
May 16th 2000
Local residents, fed up with planning laws which have seen their local pubs transformed into fast food stores, have conducted a national survey and launched a campaign to reform such laws.
May 16th 2000
McDonald's Continuing Contribution To Clobal Climate Damage
As the global climate crisis gets worse, McDonald's use of damaging refridgeration processes and chemicals is exposed and denounced
May 4th 2000
Another of a series of protests vs McDonald's in Malta, this time against the corporate clown 'Ronald McDonald'
May 3rd 2000
McDonald's "not global monster" claims McDonald's
After a McD's store in London was smashed during MayDay's anti-capitalist protests, head of PR, Mike Love, claims they are misunderstood by their critics, including McSpotlight.
April 28th 2000
Villagers' McDonald's protest may force new law on pubs
The campaign at Hinchley Wood, Esher, may not have received the degree of national publicity that some other problems have caused McDonald's, but it has already lasted lon
April 25th 2000
Employee Killed in Bomb Blast at McDonald's in France
A bomb explosion ripped through aMcDonald's in western France on Wednesday, killing anemployee, shattering windows and blowing off part ofthe restaurant's roof.
April 13th 2000
McDonald's in Legal Hot Water
Kids burnt by McDonald's coffee give the corporation a taste of their own medicine in court.
April 13th 2000
McDONALD'S today appeared to have caved into community pressure ...
McDONALD'S today appeared to have caved into community pressure ...
April 4th 2000
Pigeon McNuggets and McHeartbeats
Not surprisingly, McDonald's comes in for some serious sarcasm in Adbusters' Creative Resistance contest.
March 28th 2000
London: McLibel film screening & debate this weekend
McLibel defendant Helen Steel and film director Franny Armstrong will be taking part in a debate following a screening of the 60-minute documentary 'Two Worlds Collide'. In Central London, this Sunday (2nd April).
March 7th 2000
McCruelty to go.
PETA plans to grill McDonald’s over animal welfare issues.
March 7th 2000
October declared "Slam McDonald's Month."
Article about one of many protests last October. This one in Alabama.
March 7th 2000
Greenpeace aid Anti-McDonald's banner drop
Climbers from Greenpeace are volunteering their time and talents to hang the banner above one of Chicago's busy intersections to target the Oakbrook, Ill.-based McDonald's on its home turf.
March 6th 2000
McDonald's Protesters Off The Hook
The state has dropped the charges against the 13 people who were arrested for picketing outside McDonald's in Cape Town on October 16 - known as Global Day of Action against McDonald's.
March 6th 2000
Search engine is now working
At last, after two years of suffering with a broken search engine, we've finally got a shiny new one!
March 6th 2000
Quiz Back In Action
After the success of our win-McLibel-booty quiz, we've now fixed it so those people who didn't enter in time can still test their McKnowledge.
March 6th 2000
Mailing List Archived
The McLibel mailing list posts are now automatically archived on the site.
March 5th 2000
URL Minder Fixed
The little widget that reminds you when the 'What's New?' page has been updated is working again.
March 5th 2000
FAQ Updated
The McSpotlight FAQ was more than two years out of date. Not any more.
March 5th 2000
Debating Room Relaunched
Two years after we promised, the all-new Debating Room finally flings open its doors.
March 5th 2000
McDonald's Contribution To Ozone Depletion
According to 1997 documents McDonald's have continued to use refridgeration processes in their stores which contribute to the damaging of the earth's essential ozone layer. Meanwhile, refridgeration processes in abbatoirs and meat transportation add to the problem.
March 5th 2000
Media Moghul Ate My Hamster
or Why the Media Sucks. London Greenpeace Leaflet.
March 5th 2000
McLibel: Do-It-Yourself Justice
By McLibel Defendant Dave Morris. (Updated November 1999).
March 5th 2000
It's Time to Say Enough!
Advertising is a con - you can't buy happiness. London Greenpeace Leaflet.
March 5th 2000
McLibel mailing list archive
An archive of all postings to the highly subscribed McLibel email list
15 February 2005 - McSpotlight Problems
As many of you may have noticed, the 'Stop Press' and 'What's New?' pages of McSpotlight have been broken
for about the last 2 weeks. We apologise for this but it was due to problems
beyond our control. It was particularly inconvenient happening on the eve of
the European Court of Human Rights verdict, but due to extraordinary efforts
by McSpotlight volunteers around the world (literally!), we've got the Home Page
back up and have been able to post news of the verdict. This 'What's New?' page
is still out of date, but we hope to get it rebuilt in the next few weeks.
Watch this space.
March 4th 2000
McLibel documentary postbag bursts
the 22nd of February, the mainstream Australian broadcaster SBS showed the 60-minute documentary "McLibel: Two
Worlds Collide" at peak time on a public channel. And then the viewers' letters started flooding in...
March 3rd 2000
Quarterpounder stays on the menu despite EU rules
Press Cutting, Reuters. McDonald's Corp on Friday dismissed a press report that bureaucrats had threatened to ban its famous Quarterpounder burger on grounds the name contravened new EU metrication rules.
February 28th 2000
Couple sue McDonald's over 'milkshake assault'
Press Cutting, Telegraph newspaper. A couple who claim that they were assaulted by staff at a McDonald's restaurant after they complained that a milkshake was unsatisfactory are suing the hamburger chain for £60 million.
February 16th 2000
McSpotlight Quiz Results Now In
After wading through almost 1000 entries we are proud, nay tearful, to announce the winners of our birthday quiz.
January 27th 2000
Fast food to get faster in California
Press Cutting, Reuters. Fast food is about to get faster in southern California, where the car is king, hamburgers are considered heavenly, and speed is of the essence.
January 1st 2000
Big Macs, small horizons
Press Cutting, Guardian newspaper (UK). America isn't beautiful - and that's thanks largely to an avaricious clown who is the spirit of the new millennium
January 1st 2000
McLibel Mailing List Back
The hibernating e-mailing list has been given a vigorous rub down and a small glass of brandy and is now returning to the fray. Subscribe straight away from the link above.