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M C S P O T L I G H T P R E S S . R E L E A S E . 01/07/03 'FuckMcDonalds.co.uk' Latest Newsletter July '4 Here is the latest newsletter from our friends at FuckMcDonalds.co.uk. fuckmcdonalds.co.uk/newsletter/2003/may/4.html Dear FuckMcDonalds.co.uk Member, Welcome to the latest newsletter of FuckMcDonalds.co.uk helping keeping you informed about FuckMcDonalds.co.uk First things first, we would like to thank McSpotlight for sending out our last newsletter to their email list. We did get quite a lot of new subscribers to this list and even more people trying to unsubscribe from a subscribe list they hadn't even signed up to! Manchester MWR (McWorkers Resistance) have just launced there new website more information below! Until the next newsletter, good luck and remember spread the word about the evil McD corp. Webmaster News from FuckMcDonalds.co.uk There is not much news to say about the goings on that FuckMcDonalds Team have been upto this week. A member of the FuckMcDonalds.co.uk team posed a member of Staff from Head Office and got into the back of a store in the UK and handed out leaflets about working time rights and disks with the wages programe that Manchester MWR has made. FKMD the piss take magazine from FuckMcDonalds.co.uk. FKMD has just launched. Want to be part of it then find out more at www.fkmd.co.uk FKMD is the latest new project from FuckMcDonalds.co.uk to do a piss take of the staff magazine MDUK. Instead of the corperate bullshit that their magazine contains ours will contain information such as your workers rights and other uselfull information. There is even a crossword for you to complete with a unqiue theme to it. Future Issues will have FREE gifts on them, we our currently in decussion with various Trade Unions and MMWR if we can offer free software which will make sure that mcdonalds workers are getting paid there rightfull wages. Survey UPDATE www.fuckmcdonalds.co.uk FuckMcDonalds.co.uk was going to have the survey last week, but due to issues beyond our control we are now having it next week. Lucky people will be contacted by email to take part in the survey. If you wish to take part and havent been contacted by the end of July 2003 please contact us. Manchester McWorkers Reistance New Website http://www.mmwr.org.uk The Website of the Manchester section of the McWorkers Resistance has just launched. Usefull information and the highly aclaimed and usefull "make sure your paid your correct wages" programme is also included on the site. McDoof.co.uk, MMWR.org.uk and FuckMcDonalds.co.uk rally How would you like to meet the team of McDoof.co.uk, Manchester McWorkers Resistance and FuckMcDonalds.co.uk? You will be able to Meet other fellow McDonalds Workers trying to get the company to make better working conditions and have a couple of free drinks thanks to FuckMcDonalds.co.uk. This event will more the likely take place in London, UK, close to Kings Cross Station if we can arrange a venue. Entrance will be by ticket only if we can get enought people to warrent hiring a venue. You will also get your free drinks on presentation of your ticket.
If you are interested in coming to the rally please either talk about it on the McDoof Forums (please register first) or visit the rally page at FuckMcDonalds.co.uk.