I've heard this argument before that if you dont like homosexuals you are one and I dont like it. I personally object to such behaviour and find it irksome as you say, however I'm wise to the fact that not everyone is the same as me and if they want to make a lifestyle choice then that's fine.
I'm against gay bashing and violence but I think overt expressions of sexuality are a very personal business, that most people dont want to be confronted with.
Plus why when there are so many Gay venues do these weirdos gather around public toilets and jerk each other off? I think there is definitely a deviant element within the Homosexual community that enjoys the reaction of society at large and just gets a rise out of insisting on making their personal affairs public matters.
When was the last time you saw heterosexuals dancing down the streets, dressed in leather or rubber and flaunting their bed room practices? I think Homosexuality would be accepted far quicker if it adhered to the moral mores and norms of the Heterosexual community.