: I do think man is distinct form the beast myself and my feelings on homosexuality are a result of finding it abnormal, I find it abnormal because these people are engaged in activities which they are not physically suited to.Ahem, I seem to recall in other debates mention of the orgasm produced by stimulation of the prostate during anal sex, perhaps a matter of design. Once more for the record- it is natural for humans to do whatever humans can do. Normal or abnormal is not a value judgement, its a statistical fact- or are you going to claim that being of abnoirmal hieght is a disgusting perversion next?
Further, what if homosexuality is a choice, who gives a damn if its in yer genes or not, whats teh problem? Who are they hurting? Why should you care?
: So homosexuality is a lifestyle choice FACT. A lifestyle choice I think is unwise, cruel or a form of self-brutalism, which could result in disease or death. For me when I argue it's not natural and people should do it, it's the same argument which leads me to say dont do heroine or dont over drink or dont become a masochistic nut.
Why shouldn't people be masochists? Are you claimning some form of arbitrary authority over the bodies of others? Heterosexual activity can lead to disease or death, vaginal intercourse can be the cause of cervical cancer- is vaginal intercourse therefore sdisgusting brutal and perverted? Given that the majority of queers fdo *not* engage in buggery does that lifestyle still become dangerous and degrading? As a libertarian I dmeand my right to sleep with anything with a spine should it and I so choose.
: Liberty as Red pointed out denotes personal freedom so I would never physically compell people to accept the judgements of state or society but I will see if can influence them to a position I consider is more rational or wise.
But if your position were to be proven to be not just irrational, but also, further, brutal and unkind, would you change it?
: 1 My opinions are not hypocritical
: 2 I'm not a bigot, thug or anything like that
: 3 My opinions do not lack substance etc., I'm not the victim of a propaganda system/socialisation, I came to these opinions of my own accord.
I dunno, provide me with a logical justification for:
'the normal is superior to the abnormal' which is the crux of your argument.
Also, again I ask- who 'designed' our sexual organs to do anything, am I being brutal and perverted by mixing cocktails with my penis?
I mean this in a comradely way, but I suggest that you are seriously mistaken Lark.