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Posted by: Stuart Gort ( USA ) on July 05, 1999 at 13:33:14:
In Reply to: VERY scary, disturbed people they are. posted by Jeff on July 01, 1999 at 01:44:55:
::Personally, I believe that all of you homophobes are ridden with a bad :case of low self esteem.: Yes, you are very correct. They're exactly like white supremasist'/KKK members. At their core they suffer from extreme low self esteem, feelings of inferiority, inadequecy and basic ignorance; they use (mostly) their religious beliefs to afford themselves feelings of superiority over others who are not like them. Its an enormous, grandiose ego boost (again, only to the already insecure, ignorant, sad human) to feel like he is more human than the one's beneath him (gays, non whites, woman, animals, etc...). VERY scary, disturbed people they are. This judgement of the hearts and minds of people you have not met or known sounds an awful lot like the attitudes you hold in such disregard. Furthermore, you've mischaracterized every one of my opinions on the matter and trivialized them into a rhetorical puddle. Your post doesn't quite persuade me that your mind is even engaged in the matter. Stuart Gort
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