: : This judgement of the hearts and minds of people you have not met or known sounds an awful lot like the attitudes you hold in such disregard. : Back to condemning people for Judging hearts and minds of others- a bit rich considering your nefarious use of the 'No true scotsman' fallacies-
: 'No heterosexual would be unrepelled by homosexuality'
: 'But I'm heterosexual, and I'm unreppeled'
: 'No *true* heterosexual would be unrepelled...'
: Implicit in such arguments is an attempt to interpollate your interlocutor into being homosexual by definiion if they are not repelled by homosexuality.
Yo, Red, though I hate to disagree with you, you yourself have been guilty of the No True Scotsman argument. (I'm sure I do, also, on occasion, and I won'rt call it a 'fallacy'.....)
You: War is the product of capitalism.
Me: War occurs sometimes for complicated causes unrelated to capitalism.
You: War does not occur between socialist factions.
Me: War has occurred between spocialist factions.
You: Those factions weren't TRULY socialist.
: You judge the hearts and minds of others- just you're subtle enough about it...