: Arent you killing plants when you eat them?DDN: You are killing millions of skin cells everyday just by being alive. You are killing intestinal bacteria everytime you eat spicy food. Some living things MUST die in order for us to exist and animals are NOT one of them. Whether or not vegetables are among these things, quite frankly, I don't know. There are people who claim to be fruitarians meaning they eat nothing but fruit. There's whole science and process to switching to a fruitarian diet - take a look at the works of Arnold Arant [spelling?]. I have done fruit fasts and have had amazing results but did not feel I could sustain such a diet. In fact, "experts" say that the detoxification that occurs on such a diet can make go blind or even kill you.
Whatever vegetables experience whenever they are killed I think is so different from what we experince that we are inherently incapable of comprehending it and to that extent we are not obliged to take their "feelings" into account where our sustenance is concerned.