- Anything Else -
Being civil costs nothing.
Posted by: Lark on October 11, 1999 at 15:01:34:
In Reply to: Lark youre really acting quite ignorant to reality. posted by Jeff on October 10, 1999 at 17:12:14:

: This has got to be one of the most ridiculous questions that Ive ever heard. You might as well ask & quot;How do you know cows dont fly?& quot;. Any reasonably intellegent person cannot possibly believe that a blade of grass,an eggplant, etc.. have any capacity whatsoever to feel physical pain or have any cognitive ability to comprehend pain or any other circumstance it may be subjected to. You seem to think I'm being stupid about this, I'm not I'm perfectly genuine and science has proven my point thier are trees in Africa or somewhere that when eaten by animals give of a chemical that makes other plants of the same species aware of thier plight and these plants guard themselves by sprouting temporary thorns. The thing is, things die, they no doubt suffer in the process because they have differing capacity for knowledge or cognative behaviour doesnt matter to me, if you are going to kill to survive then why is one sort of killling more & quot;good& quot; than the other? :How dare you & quot;presume& quot;Now just step back and think about what your saying, I've seen tons of animal rights debates go all irrational and silly and it means that every time the issue, which is a real important issue, is raise people think it's proponents are loonies or cranks. Being civil costs nothing. :that just because a simple organism like a plant experiences life and death that it also experiences anything remotely close to what a mammal experiences during that life. Were you reared on this planet or some bizarro world? I'm waiting for you to be rational so I'll excuse you this time. : : I dont appreciate people telling me what I think, I'm perfectly aware what I think, I do enjoy meat and I find factory farming etc. cruel, what I'm trying to do is inject some rationalism into this debate not this oh the poor animals nonsense. : Well your attempt at trying has failed; youre ideas are totally irrational- or at least completely illogical. Yours are so better, it's great to debate with people who stack the deck against you to make your position appear insane, who dont rely on evidence, who are keen on simply rubbishing the individual if they cant rubbish the argument.

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