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that's the message that the anti-gun crowd wants everyone to believe anyway.

Posted by: Stuart Gort ( USA ) on February 09, 19100 at 11:18:36:

In Reply to: Survivalism posted by Lark on February 08, 19100 at 13:53:21:

: Survivalism because of, in some instances, it's gun junkie element has always attached itself to the right wing of the political spectrum (in the US, the patriots movement, the capitalist militias, the racist organicists etc.) and has, at times, had an unhealthy militaristic dimension.

Well, that's the message that the anti-gun crowd wants everyone to believe anyway. It's certainly true that the ultra right-wingers are going for their guns but there is a fairly vast percentage of people over here who, although they no own guns, are quite supportive of the right to do so. Something to do with history, I suppose. Personally, I own four guns but they have no particular value to me other than the enjoyment of the occasional target shoot. I rarely hunt but enjoy it when I do. Although a viceral experience, there is much a man can understand about himself and his place in this world through hunting.
It keeps a man rooted.

: However I think this is unfortunate, survivalism contains a concern for self-sufficiency and ecological understanding that the left could learn from, I mean if you can survive you can become independent from the powers that be, well maybe temporarily anyway.

That's quite a conservative concept there, Lark. Better watch yourself or you'll get booted out of the opium den. You've hit the mother lode of conservative principle when you suggest individualism, independence, and self-sufficiency might be positive values.

What books are reading now, dude?

: Perhaps this is nothing more than a primitivist or Waldon style utopianism but I'd be very glad to hear the opinion of all the comrades and friends in political opposition or disagreement on this issue.

: Cheers,

: Lark.

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