- Multinationals -Stop Bashing Wal-Mart
I would like to respond to the gentleman who referred to all Wal-Mart customers as "hicks". You mentioned that you have a problem with Wal-Mart's music department and the reason for that was that they seem to have a large selection of country music. You said that the reason must be because Wal-Mart's headquarters is located in Arkansas. Hhmm-correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe that Nashville, Tennessee is considered the country music city. NOT BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS! Did you ever stop to think that the large selection of country music might be due to the fact that the country music fan population has more than tripled over the past few years?...and Wal-Mart's music department is the number one music seller in the country so they must be making customers happy and giving them what they want. Did you ever stop to think that YOU might be in the minority? As to your remarks about Arkansas, I find that a little offensive. I am from Arkansas and consider myself a pretty intellegent person. If I'm a hick well, then I guess hick's are pretty cool. If you do'nt like Wal-Mart then, by all means, you should'nt shop there...but why do'nt you let shaun judge for him/or herself before you bash it? Obviously you are in the minority since wal-mart is the number one retail company in the WORLD! Wal-Mart also employs more associates than anyone else in the world except for the US Government so it must be a pretty good place to work. Shaun-I just have two comments to make about why Wal-Mart is unlike K-Mart or any other retail company. They have a large selection of merchandise and if for any reason you are not satisfied, they will exchange it or refund your money. I suggest that you give it a try before you listen to these bozo's. Oh... I must add this. If you only knew how many many charities and causes Wal-Mart gives BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars to, you would support it even if you did not like shopping there. As a matter of fact, their corporate headquarters has a whole department of over 50 associates that dedicate their jobs to company giving. It is called The Wal-Mart Foundation. They not only give to charites, they give for many other things. Things such as, they have built several homes as part of the Habitat For Humanity. (For people who may not ever have had their own home without Wal-Mart and other genorous people). They give out millions of dollars in college scholarships every year. Well, I could write all day about the great things that Wal-Mart does but I believe that I have made my point. ![]()