- Multinationals -
anyone who dares bash Wal-Mart, let me ask what Burger King and Pizza Hut has done for you.
Posted by: Tammie ( Wal-mart Associate, USA ) on July 06, 1999 at 12:37:52:
In Reply to: Stop Bashing Wal-Mart posted by Cindy on February 22, 1999 at 13:50:17:

This is for Shaun,who seems to have a little trouble keeping his foot out of his mouth...First off,kiddo,I am an associate at Wal-Mart and have been for 7 years.I am from the upper midwest...and I LOVE COUNTRY music....if the city you come from has 10 or more people in its population,then chances are,1 or 2 or even 3 people probably like country music...you cannot speak for a whole town and say it has a dislike for country music.More people then you realize,have a total dislike for rap music,alternative and this heavy metal B>S>that kids listen to...you know the stuff that kids listen to that make them think anarchy is a"cool word"???I know.I have dealt with this in my home,being the mother of two teens.Why don't you listen to country music for just one day and see how many songs have lyrics like"kill'em all"or"I think I'm cracking up"!!! As far as all you Wal-Mart bashers go,I have been there for 7 years,and when I lost my husband of 14 years,he had been an 11 1/2 year associate.They gave us a fundraiser,a little extra cash and some food at Christmas time so we could give our children a good Christmas on my husband's last Christmas on this earth,our General Manager and a couple Operations Managers came to the hospital constantly,and even came to my house and drank a beer with my husband,and when they knew how little time he had,they gave me "voluntary lay-off"for 6 weeks,so I could make his final moments as comfortable for him as possible.I went back after 3 weeks,because my husband was gone...the insurance lady took ALL my paperwork from me and did it all herself,so that that would be one less burden for me....so,anyone who dares bash Wal-Mart, let me ask what Burger King and Pizza Hut has done for you.There isn't a perfect job in this world...if there was,there would be no Wal-Mart,no Pizza Hut,just one job...then who would stock the shelves...hey,if this job isn't right for you,get the hell out,and let a job open up for someone who would appreciate it more than you.If you choose not to move on,then you really do not have it as bad as you think....

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