- Multinationals -
I never meant to insult people who go to WAL-MART and I'm sorry if it sounded that way.
Posted by: Shaun ( BK, USA ) on February 24, 1999 at 14:26:11:
In Reply to: Stop Bashing Wal-Mart posted by Cindy on February 22, 1999 at 13:50:17:

:You mentioned that you have a problem with Wal-Mart's music department and the reason for that was that they seem to have a large selection of country music. You said that the reason must be because Wal-Mart's headquarters is located in Arkansas. Hhmm-correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe that Nashville, Tennessee is considered the country music city. NOT BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS! Oh, so outside of Nashville, nobody listens to country music? Look, I never meant to insult people who go to WAL-MART and I'm sorry if it sounded that way. I SHOP AT WAL-MART. What I did say is that why would they sell only country music in a city where most people don't like country music, that's all. I understand that in the south, where country is more popular they would sell only country. But in the northeast country music is not one of the most popular styles, so why would they only sell country music? Plus, all thier commercials have people with southern accents, thier circulars advertise "pop" instead of soda etc...Maybe if WAL-MART didn't try to force people in the northeast to accept thier southern image and if they were more flexible there would be more people here who would shop there and there would be more than just 2 or 3 WAL-Marts in the metro area.

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