- Multinationals -diseases are a part of the life cycleIn Reply to: Animal Testing posted by - on August 11, 1998 at 09:56:45:
Is it "good" that countless (yes, more than you could possibly imagine) are TORTURED (not just "killed" or "experimented on") so that we might cure what ails us? Believe it or not diseases are a part of the life cycle, one we cannot (and should feel obliged to) merely dispense with. It is the epitome of our self-centredness as a species that we think we are meant to "defeat death", and that all the rest of nature can be our tool to accomplish this. Maybe we should keep this bias in mind next time we feel the urge to justify our exploitations of nature. Maybe we should also INFORM OURSELVES about what exactly goes on in animal testing labs before we feel so comfortable when we hear a new possible cure for cancer has been found. Be aware of your biases, those arrising from your culture and your species. The world continues to revolve not around human life but despite human life. Thank you. ![]()