- Multinationals -I do not feel that animal use by people is unethical unless it is purposlessIn Reply to: diseases are a part of the life cycle posted by Kevin Dempsey on September 01, 1998 at 01:13:05:
Diseases are a part of the life cycle. Okay that sounds legitimate. Basically what you are saying is that the Biomedical communtiy is arrogant because it takes animals for granted and uses them to test the safty of medical practices. So you are saying that when a person gets a disease, whether it is a person you love or anyone else, they do not deserve treatment because disease is natural and treatment is arrogant because animals don't deserve to be treated unfairly. So when you or a member of your family gets a disease, you will let them die "naturally" to save some animals? Well, then you better also stop eating animal foods and wearing wool or leather because you must regard this as an arrogant practice as well. Sir, I respect life in every way yet I don't agree with your apathetic attitude in regards to biomedical testing which helps the human race in easing the pain and prognosis of disease. If medical testing is arrogant, then whats to say that human to human organ donation isn't arrogant as well; taking from one person to help another? I do not feel that animal use by people is unethical unless it is purposless such as in cosmetic testing or pleasure hunting without use of the animal. ![]() None.