- Multinationals -
70% are used for cosmetic product testing
Posted by: Randee Haven O'Donnell ( Biomedical Research Center, United States ) on March 01, 1999 at 14:27:29:
In Reply to: be thankful for animal testing posted by Andrew Baumann on October 20, 1998 at 10:25:57:

: If you do enjoy life, then be thankful for the animals that were tested to find vaccinations for the dieseases that plagued the human and animal race!! Yes, some animals are treated cruelly, but the animals tested in labs have better lifes than the ones living in the wild. Without the help of those tested animals, you and I would not be here.animal testing is indeed helpful to several medical research studies, but as well it highly unproductive. Only 10% of animals tested have positive outcomes. Of the 400 millions animals that die each year from animal testing, 70% are used for cosmetic product testing (face powders, lipsticks, etc.), industrial products (detergents, soaps, etc.), war products (toxic gases, atomic radiation, etc.), or for psycho0behavioral tests.

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