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I thought the gas idea above is brilliant
Posted by: katie ( BMS, Australia ) on August 07, 1998 at 11:15:39:
In Reply to: Shutting off McDeath at the gas posted by Luke Kuhn on August 06, 1998 at 10:53:41:

Different person from Australia: I have an idea of various sabotage plans (which may sound ludicrous but which i am very serious). These inc. persistently leaving stinking devises like rotten eggs, dead rats, phosphorous/ nitrous chemical deposits (as stink bombs)in pot plants in the store in order of detering customers. I thought the gas idea above is brilliant and I will try it asap. This next one may sound cruel, but I'm sure some one (or myself) could culture gastro enteritis and other sorts of mildly harmful bacteria at home, then give these cultures to aquaintances that work there to dispense into the pickles! People would get sick, but I feel in the long run the deterence of the customers would be benificial (for their health included. Dumping their own rubbish at the doorstep before opening, glueing and further estapoling and laquering A4 paper of accounts of the detriment mcd's causes to the windows at night. By the morning the estapol would have dried and the store would have to replace the windows to get rid of the statemants. My little brother thought of painting a massive banner saying "MCEATSHIT'N'DIE!" and glueing it over the big 'mcdonald's' on the roof. I've always just wanted to go on a county wide pilgramige and blow the stores up one by one but i'm not sure how to do it and would never want to get anyone killed. If anyone feels the urge to sabotage the golden arches, go ahead, we're in deaperate need of a revolution, or at least to overturn a few multinationals! (can't be that hard if we put our minds to it) -- McSpotlight: Look, folks, I don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm, but I would remind you that McSpot is a public forum. Which means anyone can listen in or read your words, and what you're advocating here is certainly illegal (biowarfare usually is!). So please, do be careful in your enthusiasm. As Luke says, you don't want to cause collateral damage, and if anyone could link you with attacks of food poisoning, you'd be looking at time inside for it.
It's something that is usually better kept dark and quiet. Oh, and we really don't want McSpotlight shut down because someone went and killed several people by accident...

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