- Campaigns -Shutting off McDeath at the gas
The other day I saw the most interesting article in the Earth First! Journal. It was by someone saying he had found a simple, effective way to shut down McD's needing only a wrench and what amounts to a large screwdriver. He waits until peak business hour for the drigve-thru(usually lunch) and goes around back and shuts off the gas. He uses the wrench to loosen the lock nut, then turns the slotted valve off. It takes only munutes for the grill to stop, etc. but over 45 minutes for someone from the gas company to show up, turn the valve back on, and charge them $60 for it. Meanwhile, hundreds of dollars in sales swim away, and a lot of beef never leaves the freezer. This is a much better way to "have a gas" at McD's than having the police tear-gas the place like last year in Northern Virginia. A technical note: ![]()