- Campaigns -
From a distance
Posted by: Filip Dewinter ( Belgium ) on July 12, 1999 at 16:33:18:
In Reply to: I thought the gas idea above is brilliant posted by katie on August 07, 1998 at 11:15:39:

First i want to say that i don't support the fighting of McDonalds by shutting off the gas or, more extreme, by burning them to the ground. But, if you really want to "hit" McDonalds in some way, when you're bored of something, the best way i think is still a false bomb alert... Do note that anyone can do this and to prevent it they will track you down VERY HARD (record your call, fingerprints,.. hold that in mind) and the penance on it is pretty big. So, if you try it, be very carefull, or better, don't try it...

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