Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 31
1 if they were, then McDonald's do use broiler chickens that
2 are kept in the way that was shown in the film, and all the
3 effects like the slurry coming from the cattle does cause
4 water pollution.
6 McDonald's cannot get away from the fact that if you do
7 keep animals on the scale that they keep them, then the
8 environmental effects do happen. It is just fact.
10 Q. Like your allegations about the rainforest which you say
11 are just fact, do you mind if I put the word "fact" in
12 inverted commas?
14 Can I ask you this, Ms. Gallatley: if, at the end of this
15 case, it should turn out that so far as McDonald's is
16 concerned a very large number of statements made in that
17 film are false, according to the judgement of this court,
18 will you prevail upon The Vegetarian Society to withdraw
19 that film or to remake it?
20 A. If anything in that film was shown to be false, yes, I
21 would advise them to remake it. Of course I would.
23 Q. That is not an educational film, Miss Gallatley, is it; it
24 is a piece of black propaganda in favour of vegetarianism,
25 is it not?
26 A. No. I do not think it is just a piece of propaganda.
27 I think that, in the light of companies like McDonald's
28 showing ads and spending millions of pounds on advertising,
29 then a 20 minute video cannot be seen as propaganda against
30 all that that they are seeing every day.
32 Q. Why did you say in your evidence that you found it
33 surprising, in effect, that children are not ashamed of
34 going to McDonald's? Why should they be?
35 A. No. What I said -- certainly, what I meant -- was that
36 I was surprised that the only objection to them going
37 vegetarian was not being able to go to McDonald's, because
38 to me, as an adult, I cannot imagine McDonald's having that
39 much of an importance in their life. Obviously, it does to
40 them. That is what surprised me.
42 MR. RAMPTON: I think you said that you found, and found it
43 surprising, that the children were not ashamed of going to
44 McDonald's?
46 MS. STEEL: I have got a feeling it was about ashamed of
47 pestering their parents.
49 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you remember saying that?
50 A. No, I do not remember saying that at all.
52 MR. RAMPTON: I think you said that you found it surprising that
53 children thought of McDonald's as being -- and I use your
54 word -- pure?
55 A. Yes. I probably would have said -- no, what I was
56 trying to say----
58 MR. JUSTICE BELL: My note was -- it may be a different part --
59 that you said you were, in effect, surprised that
60 McDonald's came up individually so often in comments and at