- McJobs and Workers -
Posted by: Tabitha ( US ) on February 20, 19100 at 09:44:23:

I have just recently been made aware of "McSpotlight" and although I disagree with much of the negativity which I have read I must also thank you for the opportunity to here the expressions of so many McDonalds employees on all levels. As an assistant manager in a small organization I rarely get the opportunity to hear the viewpoints of anyone else but those in the same organization. After reading many of the responses at this site I have only comfirmed what I know to be true about the organization which I am employed by, it has to be one of the best! I truly am disgusted by some of the messages I have read, and do feel that these issues need to be addressed immediately! This site is proof that it is very difficult to run a business of such magnitude. One owner/operator, supervisor, or manager making the wrong decision can damage the employee & customer perception EVERYWHERE! Contrary to popular belief McDonalds has VERY high standards and the only problem with the standards is finding persistent, hard working, goal orientated individuals to follow them through. I think McDonalds organization as a whole is exceptional, they have serviced and employed so many diverse groups and really have done it better than anyone else. To everyone reading the views at this site, please keep in mind that although McDonalds as a whole is ideally the same, each McDonalds store is an individual. They all carry the same name, they all basically serve the same menu, they "should" all be following the same specific procedures, and they "should" all be training their staff in the same way, however people everywhere are different & McDonalds is no exception. Give them a chance and try to make a fair decision on each instead of grouping them all together, you may see a difference in the way you view McDonalds. Good luck to all.

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