- McJobs and Workers -everyone in this company is replacable.In Reply to: AGREE OR DISAGREE posted by Tabitha on February 20, 19100 at 09:44:23:
Please don't make McDonald's out to be someone who cares about their workers. I was recently told by my store manager after a dispute that "everyone in this company is replacable." She went on to tell me that no matter what, even if everyone that is employed at our store quit that night, they would have it open the next morning. Nice isn't it? Mcd's employees can not stand up for their rights..they try and management finds a way to get rid of them. Look at it this way..even though they are a billion dollar company, they still strees sales/labor as their number one factor in business. That is..if they are not making way over the projected amount of money at a given time employee hours are cut, (they are sent home early, told to stay home..etc..) and the remaining employees have to bust their asses to keep the place running as smooth as it would be if all the scheduled employees were actually working. How hard is it to get employee benifits? Very. What about an actual set schedule of 38/39 hours a week (because God forbid they have to pay overtime)? Next to impossible. Then they give us this garbage they call "incentive" such as chances to win pins, free food, etc instead of actually giving us decent pay raises. And they equipment we have to work with?? These people are definitly penny pinchers. Which yes..that is good business strategy, but when things become impossible to use/dangerous, it gets a little crazy. McDonald's is crap..and if you work there get out and get a decent job. All their company is good for is a part time job for a highschool student. ![]()