- McJobs and Workers -
To Frogbrain
Posted by: Aussie Maccas Chick ( McDonalds, Australia ) on August 18, 1999 at 15:53:52:

TO THE DELUDED LITTLE INSIGNIFICANT FROGGY, The problem doesn't lie with us frogboy. The only problem that exists is your perception of the world and your self esteem. This is area of major concern that I have about you. If you think that the only thing that you are worthy of is scrubbing down baseboards on your hands and knees than.......GO FOR IT CINDERELLA!!!!! You might as well bring your toothbrush along to work just to display how eager and enthusiastic you are when you are asked to scrub the dirty floor again. Humble ltttle froggy,,.....go and see a therapist about your self-esteem issues - there is a lot to be sorted out. In response to your remark - Yes I do think that i'm above working for that greasy chain - In fact I think that every human being should be treated with dignity and respect - NOT be subjected to degrading, demoralising situations such as scrubbing floorboards. YES and I Will turn up my nose at such little jobs- anyone in their right mind would. Exept for those brain-dead-suck-ups-ie.-manager wanna-be's. Yes I do exist on a plane above the mentality af burger flippers- that dont realise how meaningless their existence is. Thats all from me for now......

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