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Someone help me!!!
Posted by: Little Miss McManager ( Asstistant Manager, Indiana ) on April 23, 1998 at 16:50:13:

I need some advice from someone...anyone. I am an assistant manager at a McDonald's in Indiana and I'm suffering from burnout. When I go to work I find myself snappy and irritable before my shift really gets underway. I'm pretty sure that this is a result of the attitude of my store's general manager. She thinks that she has her act completely together, but in all actuallity myself and the other asstistants pull her share of the duties too. I've tried talking to her, but she doesn't seem to care. She tells me that if I enjoy employment that I'll just have to deal with her. I've taken a vacation and I know that this is not the answer. I can't afford to quit or take a leave of absence. As for finding another job, I have about a half of semester of college left, so I need to stick it out until I get my associates degree. What I need is some practicle advice how to stay motivated and in a good mood. I have noticed that my crews attitude is deteriorating also, so I need some advice now. PLEASE OFFER ME ANY ADVICE!!!

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