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Re: Someone help me!!!
Posted by: wildfire_01 ( michigan, usa ) on April 23, 1998 at 22:08:12:
In Reply to: Someone help me!!! posted by Little Miss McManager on April 23, 1998 at 16:50:13:

: I need some advice from someone...anyone. I am an assistant manager at : a McDonald's in Indiana and I'm suffering from burnout. When I go to work I find myself snappy and irritable before my shift really gets underway. I'm pretty sure that this is a result of the attitude of my store's general manager. She thinks that she has her act completely together, but in all actuallity myself and the other asstistants pull her share of the duties too. I've tried talking to her, but she doesn't seem to care. She tells me that if I enjoy employment that I'll just have to deal with her. I've taken a vacation and I know that this is not the answer. I can't afford to quit or take a leave of absence. As for finding another job, I have about a half of semester of college left, so I need to stick it out until I get my associates degree. What I need is some practicle advice how to stay motivated and in a good mood. I have noticed that my crews attitude is deteriorating also, so I need some advice now. PLEASE OFFER ME ANY ADVICE!!!The first thing I would say is this, if you work for the corporation, and this lady has the "higher" up's fooled at the moment, dont and I repeat this don't go to them with this problem. You sound alot like myself when I had this problem. And the other managers relied on me to go the this lady. Then I finally went to the operations Manager, he seemed very symphathic at our meeting, but after the meeting he went to my store manager and told her everything. The other managers WOULD NOT back me up. My store manager then called me for a "meeting" in this meeting she told me to either de-mote myself and take a $1.00 pay cut or she will see too it that I dont have a job. So I de-moted myself. She walked out on the corporation 3 weeks later. Then the other managers told them I was telling the truth. So put up with what you can if you are not planning on staying there forever and making this your life career. If you dont, then you may lose your only means of paying for your college classes. I know alot would not agree with this, but it is very hard to compete or show people someones true colors. They will eventually slip up and make a major mistake without anyones help. And besides if this person is attractive also like my store manger was, it is a twice as hard. My operations manger had even told me at one time that if he wasnt married then he would marry Stephanie, so I should have known ahead of time not to speak up of her short comings to the store and crew.

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