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Animal testing is not cruel
Posted by: Lauren on November 01, 1998 at 15:58:34:
In Reply to: way i think that animal testing is good........ posted by hannah on April 06, 1998 at 10:14:04:

Animal testing is significant for many reasons. First of all, animal testing has brought us insulin for diabetes, chemotherapy for those sick with cancer, and vaccines for fighting polio, rubella, and chicken pox. Animal testing has to continue because the federal government prohibits testing on humans. Who wants to donate themself to science? i'd be glad to shake the first person's hand who says they will. But many of us don't want to be poked and pried and stuck with needles. So that is why they use animals. Animals can feel the pain but they don't have that developed nervous system like humans do so it does not have that much of an impact on them as it would us. Animal testing is not cruel. Where would we be without it? I'd like to see all of those animal rights activists give up clothes in the dead of winter just because it's made from animals. No, I don't think they would. I support animal testing for many reasons. First of all, animal testing added 28 years to our life span. Second, those who have survived cancer and other diseases should be grateful for those scientists that tested on animals to find those cures. Without those animals they would be dead. Third, I think that animal testing will continue well into the 21st century and that many more discoveries will be made because of it. But of course, these are just my opinions. I understand that all of you might not agree with me, but think of someone in your family that is alive because of medical technology that was derived from testing on animals. Then you will be grateful that they are alive and well. Don't shune animal testing until you get the facts. From a supporter of animal testing in Maryland

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