- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Posted by: David ( USA ) on October 19, 1999 at 10:54:19:

I have been reading the posts in this forum for quite some time, responding occasionally (usually tongue-in-cheek). I have found the socialists on this board quite learned and very difficult to refute (even though I know, by golly, that they are wrong!)and bring up interesting points worth consideration. However, when stripped of all of its rhetoric we find the premises of the arguments. Whatever the topic is in relation to socialism, there is always one basic premises. This premise I find hard to make manifest. There are many ways to say it, but each one has its own separate connotation. This one seems to fit nicely: Each man is his brother's keeper.It is this premise that is at the base of all the arguments for socialism. I disagree vehemently with that premise. I consider it to be evil and destructive. Man is an end unto himself. Man has no "original sin" that would dictate that he look after the well being of another man. That is why I oppose anything that stems from that premise. Even though I do not feel a moral obligation nor a personal one to defend my viewpoints, I do so because I find it very interesting and it is a good mental excercise. Besides, debate is often very good for perfecting ones ideas. I wish this forum were less factional, where it seems like a huge bitter struggle between Capitalism and Socialism et al. I look forward to more debate.

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