: : Funny---I don't recall seeing you putting up any citations or anything of substance to forward your point of view...: I started this debate over the issue of premises. The position I put forward was that the premises that support communist/socialism or any other forms of positive governments/social 'ideals' were faulty, and thus the arguments deriving thereof were based on a false foundation. I did not begin this debate with the intent of discussing worker salaries and job sector growth, which is why I was so poorly armed in the way of stats.
That would explain this outrageous statement:
: In fact, Americans on average work the most hours than any other nationality (at least according to NPR). The reason, however, is due in part to the fact that Americans enjoy buying luxuries and are willing to work an extra job or overtime to get them.
I'm to believe 'the fact that Americans...' even thugh you admit you can't back up your claim?
Who are you trying to fool?