- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Stuart, may the force be with you.....
Posted by: Frenchy on October 05, 1999 at 14:32:15:
In Reply to: The source of the force posted by bill on October 04, 1999 at 18:33:48:

How about that! A real live Capitalist Pig standing up for what he thinks to a bunch of over-educated whiners.I love it. Hey, and just for you guys that can't stand anecdotal stuff, my dad immigrated to this country with a wife and three young boys, the oldest was four. He didn't speak English. We lived in a French-Canadian ghetto, Woonsocket, RI. He worked a day job as a cabinet-maker and after work went to work again to build his own home. After we lived in the home for a couple of years, he built another and sold the first. He continued doing that and retired comfortably. Along the way he provided jobs for many other tradesman. I occasionally return to the East Coast and drive by the homes he built, thirty and forty years ago. If I were to believe what the Liberal/Socialist/Communist/Greens say, those homes could not have been built by my dad because some one was oppressing him. Actions speak louder than words. Liberation Theology is dopey beyond belief. Take an atheistic system and mix it with a highly developed theology and what do you get? Yup, Liberation Theology. Face it gents, LT is a Trojan Horse, and it isn't Catholicism that is hiding on the inside.

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