- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Can I assume you do not employ people? Then are you yourself a wage slave?
Posted by: Frenchy on October 07, 1999 at 10:33:22:
In Reply to: More response to our favorite troll posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on October 06, 1999 at 15:52:25:

: : How many jobs do you provide for people, Sam? : SDF: Is that how virtue is defined these days? The creation of wage slaves? That is such a dopey term. Nobody is a slave, except those who think of themselves as slaves. Supposing a person is perfectly content with working a 9 to 5 job and meets all his obligations? He goes to work, comes home, turns on the boob tube and drinks a 6 pack. He's not interested in amassing a fortune. He's content. Doesn't care about Marx or Smith. Is he a wage slave, or is he your typical blue-collar worker?

Follow Ups:
- Condescending. Nikhil Jaikumar DSA MA, USA October 07 1999
- & here's why... Samuel Day Fassbinder Citizens for Mustard Greens USA October 07 1999