- Capitalism and Alternatives -
The model for the dying individual
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on April 09, 1999 at 16:08:44:
In Reply to: Uh ...what's your point? posted by Winslow Wacker on April 09, 1999 at 14:49:13:

: SDF: Let's ask this: Why is the model for the "individual" under capitalist society always the white, European, property-owning (see C.B. MacPherson's POSSESSIVE INDIVIDUALISM), dominant male, swathed in a mythology of "rugged individualism" (see Stephanie Coontz' THE WAY WE NEVER WERE)? WW: Because capitalism developed in Europe first. Good lord man, any ten year old knows this! SDF: No, the point is that the dominant Euro white property-owning male has continued to be the model for "individuality" even though such individualities, such people, have had to recognize the real individualities of, for instance, the 1/6 of planetary human population that starves to death, or the victims of American imperialism as it crushed those in the world who espoused alternative ways of conceptualizing individuality, or the 500,000 non-Whites who died in Rwanda (with the help of the West) over the past few years... the point is that the stupidity about individuality has persisted not only among those who own and rule, but their ideological dupes as well.

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