: Who did he execute? The Socialists, trade unionists, anarchists, communists.Yes, and Crips executed Bloods. This doesn't mean the Bloods possessed redeeming qualities.
: What was the night of the long knives? once helped into power by powerful anti-bolshevik business interests,
No question. Businesses have always used the State to get a competitive advantage.
: the nazi party was insignificant before this, the "Socialistic", read state collectivists, elements where executed as traitors to the nazi cause.
Hmmm, you are beginning to trail off.
: This involved executing a number of his close associates but it didnt matter to hitler.
What is "it" referring to. If you mean killing his own friends I fail to see how this advances your argument.
: Incidentally most Nazi's will argue with you they arent socialists and favour the economic system the pusedo-libertarians faovur only with a militarised state to ensure compliance form the proletariat.
No, you're right. Nazi's (generally)are utilitarian nationalists who seek to maximize their political advantage by dividing up the populace into those they can use and those they must forcefully subjugate. Private property is vastly more productive than public property (this is an empirically proven fact)and, thus, provides more utility. While Nazis are consolidating their rule private industry is an attractive tool for mollifying the general public.
As soon as they achieve power Nazis begin setting up quasi-feudal arrangements, with the "capitalists" acting as dukes and barons administering their estates. Surprisingly, if Nazis overcome their propensity towards aggression they settle down and eventually lead quite productive regimes. See Spain and Chile.
Feudal economic arrangements are better at producing the greatest good for the greatest number better than completely collectivized arrangements. The main problem seems to be the odious propensity towards ethnic and racial hatred.