- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Curious what you all have to say about this....
Posted by: Jason ( USA ) on February 25, 19100 at 11:24:22:

This is a segment I cut & pasted out of a chat transcript with David Gardner from The Motley Fool that is, of course, pro-capitalist. I was curious what kind of response some people here might have. Here's the question and answer from the chat (none of you probably know what "Rule Breaker" means, but that irrelevant... scroll down about ten lines to where he starts talking about capitalism and socialism):spinspen1 asks: Do you foresee a time when you may have to look at international stocks to find Rule-Breaker growth rates? Motley_David: I don't, really. Fine question, by the way. Motley_David: I'm not necessarily so focused on growth rates... Motley_David: as I am on RELEVANCE. Motley_David: If I had to boil my investment approach down to one word... Motley_David: it would be RELEVANCE. Motley_David: If you are running a relevant business... Motley_David: I probably want to own you. Motley_David: I'd much rather have a piece of a relevant business growing at 28% a year... Motley_David: than an irrelevant one growing at 100% a year. Motley_David: a.k.a. a penny stock. Motley_David: My investment horizon is 10 years minimum, so I want sustainable strong growth... Motley_David: also known as relevance. Motley_David: And I believe America is the most globally relevant country in the world. Motley_David: Without being a snob or a chauvinist about this... Motley_David: I believe America MARKETS better than anyone... Motley_David: offers the best and most focused CUSTOMER SERVICE... Motley_David: and, third, has the best TECHNOLOGY. Motley_David: I'd say Americans are incredibly fortunate to have so many great businesses... Motley_David: established and emerging... Motley_David: around us. It happened because we believed in capitalism... Motley_David: at a time when most of the rest of the world... Motley_David: was socialist... Motley_David: in practice even if not in name... Motley_David: Great Britain, the birthplace of capitalism (Adam Smith)... Motley_David: was operating as a socialist entity for decades before Thatcher! Motley_David: And much of the rest of the world was far, far worse. Motley_David: What I'm saying is, we're really lucky. Motley_David: And as America gets imitated... Motley_David: the world's markets will continue to free up. Motley_David: It's a great story. I'm sure just about every response to this will be negative, which is why I'd like to hear what people say... just stir up a little discussion. -Jason

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