- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Capitalism is a ruthless, brutish system, but it does seem to work.
Posted by: Jason ( at home, England, Europe ) on February 27, 19100 at 18:52:02:
In Reply to: Thatcherism was an entirely new phenomena posted by Lark on February 27, 19100 at 17:13:10:

Thatcherism happened because socialism wasnt working, theories and ideologies come and go but practical realities stay ( bills have to be paid ). Thatcher was voted in, it was a democratic decision, people felt they would be better off. Capitalism is a ruthless, brutish system, but it does seem to work.I personally think it must be tempered by a welfare state, but, lets be realistic here, we are not all born equal ( genes ), we do not all try our best for ourselves and society ( louts ). Clever, hard working, pretty people should have nicer houses and more kids than stupid,lazy,ugly people - we are a construct of evolutionary favour not ideas and theories. In the wild there is no tax on the well adapted lion so that the badly adapted lion can have more meat. Or am i wrong, do socialist communes exist in nature ?

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