- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Is it really? How can one be happy with hatred in their mind?
Posted by: Quincunx on February 09, 19100 at 11:30:18:
In Reply to: Life's OK, how 'bout you? posted by Frenchy on February 05, 19100 at 01:16:40:

Qx: : Are you happy with life?F: No real answer. Qx: By the nature of your postings it looks like you aren't happy with life and perhaps not everything is fine. As for myself generally speaking "things are fine", but it could be better. I woud like to see a non-authoritarian alternative to capitalism become the dominant system of distribution in order for humanity to reach its full potential. Since that hasn't happened yet it looks like everybody will have to wait until overloading the carrying capacity of the planet kicks off an ecological catastrophe. Maybe then the economic system will change and we can all go beyond Marx, neo-classical economics, and even Thomas Sowell.

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