[snip a rather interesting and lively debate between F & B]: Stoller: 'Beyond Marx' I suspect is a code term for spontaneous, peaceful revolution---a fairy tale concocted by middle class 'radicals' to assuage their middle class guilt-trips.
Is this what they teach you in Marxism school? That middle class people, or even rich people, are devoid of feeling for their fellow man because they have a bit more money than others? I suppose any psychological profile which serves your political philosophy helps YOU, but do the rest of us a favor and don't tell us what and how and why we think.
: : Barry, are you not allowed to be a revolutionary unless you're covered in coaldust? And are you continuing to judge people solely by their class?
: Are you suggesting that class difference (and affiliation) is not the paramount difference between people?
There are innumerable factors which create differences between people; give me a wealthy green devote to helping others over a violent worker devoted to getting drunk and beating the crap out of queers any day.
To say that it's only class, or even primarily class, is substituting opinion for fact.