- Capitalism and Alternatives -
You don't quite get it
Posted by: Barry Stoller on February 16, 19100 at 14:23:14:
In Reply to: Marxist psychology: whatever works, eh? posted by MDG on February 15, 19100 at 18:40:12:

: Is this what they teach you in Marxism school? That middle class people, or even rich people, are devoid of feeling for their fellow man because they have a bit more money than others? I suppose any psychological profile which serves your political philosophy helps YOU, but do the rest of us a favor and don't tell us what and how and why we think.The point is not how middle class people, or even rich people, FEEL. The point is where these differing classes stand in the production process---for that determines not only their ability to conceptualize their labor as a socialized force alienated from them by capital but it also determines their material ABILITY to wrest that socialized force from the hands of the bourgeoisie. A longer post on the topic of where classes stand in relation to the production process is in the works...

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