- Capitalism and Alternatives -
I'd love to know how I could prosper in capitalism without being deceitful, manipulative, authoritarian and nasty
Posted by: Lark on January 12, 19100 at 14:55:34:
In Reply to: It's society, not me, that we're talking about. posted by Loudon Head on January 11, 19100 at 22:20:56:

: I like to believe that too. Which is why I believe there is hope that socialists and communists (who are almost always thoughtful and intelligent) can be shown that their philosophy is the source of most tangible injustice.So demonstrate it buddy, most capitalists arent interested in convincing me on anything just blaming me for the actions of governments and dictators I have nothing to do with and then laughing amongst themselves at the 'dirty reds'. I'd love to know how I could prosper in capitalism without being deceitful, manipulative, authoritarian and nasty. I just cant think it can be done.

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