- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Making jobs better
Posted by: David ( USA ) on January 16, 19100 at 01:42:26:
In Reply to: lets not all pretend it's all above board and regular posted by Lark on January 14, 19100 at 11:14:51:

: I'm not advocating voluntary poverty though I can understand anyone trying to get rich to escape wage slavery etc. but lets not all pretend it's all above board and regular. I wouldnt be a manager myself, I did a business qualification a will ago and specialised in management and human resources and the machavellian tactics those guys taught where a disgrace I hope to meet my former class mates as a trade unionist one day and say listen guys dont give me any of your crap I learned those tactics too. You are absolutely correct. There are a lot of assholes in the management sector that do use a lot of underhanded tactics in order to keep their labor force divided. They are often from the old school style management which has an "us and them" mentality. It is characterised by a belief in "we lead, they follow"..."we think, they work." Thankfully, however, things are changing. Managers are not being taught that the best way to keep labor from organizing against you is simply education. Educate your work force as to how it is unfeasible in some companies to offer wages that are on par with many of the larger companies because they can no longer be competitive. Of course, the sure way to avoid strikes is to just treat your labor force well, that is, treat them as equals, do not create any sort of divisions based on class (That is one my father taught me, the first thing he did when he joined his company was eliminated the corporate cafeteria, bathrooms, parking spaces, etc...)and of course give them living wages and health benefits. As the labor force becomes better educated and relations improve and the "us-them" barrier breaks down then the need for organized labor and machiavellian tactics disapears.

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