- Capitalism and Alternatives -
lets not all pretend it's all above board and regular
Posted by: Lark on January 14, 19100 at 11:14:51:
In Reply to: Here is one. (Warning: Stoller, do not read!!! Anecdotal evidence contained herein!) posted by David on January 13, 19100 at 11:36:14:

I mean no offense, friend, but if you understand capitalism as I do, EG surplus value all sale is not at worth and therefore theft and dishonest, there's no to ways about it.I'm not advocating voluntary poverty though I can understand anyone trying to get rich to escape wage slavery etc. but lets not all pretend it's all above board and regular. I wouldnt be a manager myself, I did a business qualification a will ago and specialised in management and human resources and the machavellian tactics those guys taught where a disgrace I hope to meet my former class mates as a trade unionist one day and say listen guys dont give me any of your crap I learned those tactics too.

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