- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Geez, you guys.
Posted by: Frenchy on December 07, 1999 at 21:52:55:
In Reply to: My grandfather went to jail so India could be free posted by Nikhil Jaikumar on December 07, 1999 at 14:53:43:

Geez, you guys. First you prattle on endlessly about the mean old capitalists and the misery and death and environmental destruction that they bring to the world, never once thinking that people that I happen to hold in high regard, maybe even people in my immediate family, are amongst those that you would classify as "capitalist's". The contributions of my forbears in this country are grist for your mill. I see absolutely no reason to construct an artificial barrier limited to this century or these borders. If you worthy's have some inherent right to point to the foibles of my culture, which I can assure you that I hold dear, then it's only fair play that I be allowed to point out the foibles of those people that you may hold in high regard. Now, anyone want to discuss the blessings of this country? By the way, Dec, 7, ring a bell? 1941? A little cultural sensitiveity...

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