: Speak to me of intellectual dignity after you have reread Frode's
: orginal post (maybe you should do it a few times) looking for perhaps
: a hint of sensationalism or a touch of inculpating venom. There were
: no truths for us to behold - just wild rhetoric. Whether Frode Areskjold's claims, including the claims made on his referring Web page, are true or false, is the matter at hand. The claims made on this page should have been evaluated as to their truth or falsehood, as well. I suppose, however, that if one wants to hide from a determination of the truth or falsehood of any particular claim, one can merely say that it's "beyond the pale," or "wild rhetoric," and thusly one can excuse oneself from believing what one doesn't want to believe, without really confronting the claim at hand. But I am repeating myself here.
There are plenty more claims regarding alleged states of fact on Frode Areskjold's Web page, once you install the software to read it (or if you look at his response to my criticism of his page here.)
"Wild rhetoric" is an irrelevent criticism, unless one can manufacture some pressing reason requiring that information about "terror from the big capitalists" be presented in a sugar-coated manner. And sugar-coating one's discussion of such "terror" would beg the question of whether one is offering said capitalists an alibi for their deeds.
The point of the above tedious inspection of the requirements for intellectual dignity is to show that, in a rational debate, this would be a mere preface to the actual inspection of Frode Areskjold's claims. Instead, I expect that not much more will be accomplished.