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My dictionary says

Posted by: Stuart Gort ( USA ) on July 07, 1998 at 13:16:57:

In Reply to: A couple of points. posted by Farinata on July 06, 1998 at 12:29:56:

:: Liberal - Free-thinking, tolerant of diversity, not bound by orthodoxy or cant.

free thinking - as in no one would pay you to do it
tolerant of diversity - except for about a billion capitalists
not bound by orthodoxy - believes in nothing but themselves

:: Bigot - One who is unable to accept any view that differs
from their own.

What do you mean by accept? Do you mean agree with? If you do then
I am a bigot because I don't agree with you on a good many things.
Do you mean tolerate? If you do then I'm not a bigot because I
tolerate you quite well with only a modicum of effort.

:: The phrase "liberal bigot" is thus autocontradictory. Could it be that "liberal" is the term you use to describe everything you don't agree with? In so doing, you place yourself close to the ranks of the bigoted...

My dictionary says a bigot is someone who is obstinately wedded to
a particular religious creed, opinion, or practice. Claims of mass, genocidal capitalistic atrocities make for one very fat bride. You can
call yourselves sweetness and light all you wish but altruism requires
more than demonizing your enemies.

:: In the Introduction to "The Eco Wars" (auth. David Day, publ. 1989), the author states;
:: "The true cost of the Eco Wars is upwards of forty million people a year."
:: Our global capitalist system is killing off more people every year both directly and indirectly (through nutrient leaching, logging, etc.) than died in the First and Second World Wars combined. Of course, since it's a gradual process, it's not as obvious, but it's still there.

Did you say David Day? The David Day? Well that changes
everything. If David Day wrote it in a book, it must be true!

He must be one of those free thinkers too because he's not getting
any money from me.

Stuart Gort

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