: Right, I'm still behaving as the worlds only advocate of heterosexuality....: Would someone please explain to me why Homosexuals believe that homosexuality is an actual alternative to 'conventional' or 'normal' sexuality?
I dont think I understand what youre asking? Just the fact that there are other sexualities among humans which differ from "conventional" or "normal" sexuality automatically make them an alternative to the "norm". I think what youre asking is how could homosexuals consider homosexuality a reasonable/viable/acceptable alternative to conventional/normal sexuality? Or no?
: I dont want to play the numbers game, EG there are that many practicing heteros, there are that many homos etc., I dont view homosexuality as merely sodomist behaviour, which occures between heterosexuals and as a form of rape or torture in prisons, commonly practiced in America with the permision of the authorities.
: What I do think is that Homosexuality is one sexuality CHOICE the same as if someone CHOOSES to be a sadist or a masochist or a sodomite etc. so given that sadists, masochists and sodomites have not sought to organise and try to establish special status within society then why are homosexuals anymore justified? T
Once again, people do not CHOOSE which sexual desires they have; they only CHOOSE to act out sexual behaviors which reflect their innate desires. Did you willingly CHOOSE to have only heterosexual desires? No, you naturally had them and then CHOSE to act upon them. Homosexuals have never sought to organise and try to establish "special status" w/in society; theyve only sought to have equall status to heterosexuals.. meaning not being legally discriminated against based on being homosexual.