"Welcome to agfdvohnb.com -- the only web site which provides
you with the unique opportunity to bid on eggs from beautiful
and healthy women."
Playboy photographer Ron Harris has taken the next 'logical'
step in the persuit of beauty, he has convinced three young
women to sell their eggs in an on-line auction.
On his 'Editorial' page, he claims that:
This is Darwin's "Natural Selection" at its very best.
The highest bidder gets youth and beauty. "Natural
Selection" is choosing genes that are healthy and
beautiful. This "Celebrity Culture" that we have created
does better economically than any other civilization in
our history."
Luckily in the UK we have laws that make this illegal; but in
the USA it would seem that anything goes, including
auctioning off human tissue and paying for designer babies...
McSpotlight: Quite.
(I've mangled the address because I'm damned if McSpotlight is going to provide a link to a eugenic website. If you want it, you can use a search engine like Google and search under Ron Harris; but as an organisation, McSpotlight finds the whole proposal repellant and will not dignify their site by linking to it.)